
Underwater Ultrasonic SEN0598 only outputs Distance: 0mm

userHead LaserLisa 2024-04-02 01:17:22 256 Views2 Replies

I am facing a problem using the sen0598. I connected everything as described on the wiki (rx,tx to pin 7&8, and Vcc to 5V) of my Arduino Uno. The code runs but I am only getting "Distance: 0mm" even when the sensor is in 15cm deep water basin. 

I also tried to change the code for calculation of the control bit to but the result remains the same:

CS = (buffer_RTT[0] + buffer_RTT[1]+ buffer_RTT[2])&0x00FF;

according to the wiki page.


I assume this to be the error of the code as I am receiving the data very unregulary (5/seconds to one every 3s).


Does anyone have any idea how to solve this problem or is there something I understood wrong about the sensor? 

Thanks in advance!

2024-04-02 04:39:03

I noticed that your Underwater Ultrasonic SEN0598 sensor is consistently reporting a distance of 0mm. This indicates that the sensor isn't detecting any objects within its effective range. Here are some common reasons why this might be happening:

Sensor Malfunction: In rare cases, the sensor itself might be malfunctioning. If you've ruled out other causes, consider replacing the sensor or consulting the manufacturer's troubleshooting guide.Object Out of Range: The SEN0598 has a limited operating range. Ensure that any object you're trying to detect is within the sensor's minimum and maximum detection distances, which are typically specified in the sensor's datasheet.Physical Obstruction: Make sure there are no physical barriers (dirt, debris, air bubbles) between the sensor's transducer and the target object. These obstructions can block the ultrasonic sound waves and prevent accurate distance measurement.Wiring Issues: Double-check that the SEN0598 is correctly wired to your microcontroller or data acquisition system. Verify that the power supply, ground, trigger, and echo pins are connected appropriately. You can consult the sensor's datasheet or the microcontroller's documentation for the correct wiring configuration.Software Errors: If you're using code to interact with the sensor, there might be errors in your code that are preventing it from reading the sensor data correctly. Carefully review your code for any bugs or inconsistencies, especially in the parts related to initialization, trigger pulse generation, and echo signal processing.


2024-04-02 01:28:07

And also what is the 



for in the code? I did not find any explanation for it.

userHeadPic LaserLisa