
Depth of Submersion for Gravity Analog Dissolved Oxygen Sensor in Saltwater Environments

userHead Dung.Hoang 2024-04-16 14:25:38 96 Views1 Replies

I'm currently working on a project aimed at monitoring dissolved oxygen levels in seawater environments, particularly in aquaculture shrimp ponds. As part of this project, I'm planning to use the Gravity Analog Dissolved Oxygen Sensor interfaced with an ESP32 board for real-time monitoring. However, before I proceed, I wanted to inquire about the sensor's probe ability to be fully submerge under seawater. 

Specifically, I'm interested in knowing:


How deep can the Gravity Analog Dissolved Oxygen Sensor be safely fully submerged in seawater, our intended use case at the moment is to measure oxygen levels at 1 meter under water? Are there any specific considerations or precautions I should be aware of to ensure the sensor's performance over time? Have any fellow users had experience with using this sensor in similar seawater monitoring applications, and if so, what were your findings?

Any insights, recommendations, or experiences shared would be greatly appreciated, as this information is crucial for the success of my project. Thank you in advance for your assistance!

2024-04-16 16:57:37

For the Gravity Analog Dissolved Oxygen Sensor, it’s generally okay to submerge it at 1 meter for seawater oxygen level monitoring. Make sure to calibrate it properly, maintain the membrane and solution, and handle it with care. Check with the manufacturer or community forums for specific depth ratings and user experiences. [url=]PublixPassport[/url]



userHeadPic Jamie.Cordeiro