
SEN0600 RS485 soil temp & humidity sensor

userHead Robert Bogdan 2024-05-16 00:24:39 87 Views1 Replies

Has anyone got this working yet? Using the Wiki for this sensor I put together a program that sent a request 0x010300000002C40B and I do get a response of 0x010304000000ca7a64. According to the Wiki just after the 04 length should be the humidity and then the temperature. I see 3 bytes of zeros which throws me off. That would mean the humidity would be 0000 and the temp 00ca.  I'm not figuring out the response.  Anyone else get it working or see what I see?

2024-05-16 03:31:45

OK, I think it's me, I actually added water to the dirt and the humidity changed from 0000. I was using an inside planting pot with no plant and it was brick dry 8(.  So, now I think I am just battling the use of perl and perl types.  I don't think the device is a problem.

userHeadPic Robert Bogdan