General Arduino

mu vision sensor and servos

userHead Tomasz.Karol 2024-05-17 04:17:37 86 Views0 Replies

Hello to all,


Few weeks ago I bought Arduino, because I decided to create a simple project to school.

I`ve made lot small things, like buzzers, traffic lights etc. It makes fun.

Somehow I finally decided to buy MU Vision Sensor. I thought it would be easy to get from sensor “1” when an arrow card is read, and write code “if 1 then green light on”, but… I was totally wrong. I don`t even know how to start.


I`m reading all the time DFRobot manual for this sensor here, but I simply don`t get it.

I know nothing about UART and I2C, but there is also a tutorial with UART, so i decided to choose this one.

1. So, first step Select Output Mode i switch both DIP to 00.

2. Select Address - I guess, if 00 is chosen, the adress is already done.

3. Version Check - here I`m stuck.

4. nothing.

5. nothing.

6. nothing.


Where am I supposed to code algorithms?


Could you please guide me how to go through it? My point for now would be to make such a functionality, where I put a card, and it turns a diode on.


Thank you in advance.
