
SEN0590 I2C Address

userHead Tyler.FOLSOM 2024-06-15 03:24:32 72 Views1 Replies

The SEN0590 is specified to be at address 74. The part finds the distance within a cone. It should be possible to configure several devices to scan different directions. To do so, each device must have its own address. Is there any way to assign a nondefault address to this device?

2024-06-24 18:01:55

To assign a non-default I2C address to the SEN0590 sensor (assuming it's the SEN0590P model from DFROBOT, which typically uses the VL53L0X ToF sensor), you can use its built-in feature to change its address. Here’s how you can do it:

### Steps to Change SEN0590 I2C Address

1. **Understand Default Address**: The default I2C address for the VL53L0X sensor (used in SEN0590P) is typically 0x29 or 0x52, depending on the specific module configuration by the manufacturer.

2. **Hardware Setup**: Ensure your SEN0590 sensor is correctly connected to your microcontroller (e.g., Arduino) via the I2C bus. This involves connecting SDA (data line) and SCL (clock line) from the sensor to the corresponding pins on your microcontroller.

3. **Software Configuration**:
  - You need to temporarily connect only one VL53L0X sensor at a time to configure its I2C address. Once set, you can reconnect multiple sensors each configured with unique addresses.

4. **Arduino Library**: Use the Arduino library provided by STMicroelectronics or DFROBOT to communicate with the sensor and change its address. The library typically includes functions to set the address.

5. **Example Sketch**:
  - Here’s a basic example of how you might change the address using Arduino and the VL53L0X library (adapted for SEN0590):

  #include <Wire.h>
  #include "Adafruit_VL53L0X.h" // or include the library specific to SEN0590

  Adafruit_VL53L0X sensor;

  void setup() {

      // Initialize sensor with default address
      if (!sensor.begin()) {
          Serial.println("Failed to boot VL53L0X sensor!");
          while (1);

      // Change the sensor address
      sensor.setAddress(0x30); // Change to desired address, e.g., 0x30

      // Re-initialize sensor with new address
      if (!sensor.begin(0x30)) {
          Serial.println("Failed to initialize VL53L0X sensor at new address!");
          while (1);

      Serial.println("Sensor initialized at new address successfully!");

  void loop() {
      // Your main code here

  - **Explanation**:
    - `sensor.setAddress(0x30)`: This line sets the new I2C address for the sensor. Replace `0x30` with the desired address (ensure it's a valid, unused address on your I2C bus).
    - `sensor.begin(0x30)`: This initializes the sensor with the new address. After setting the address, you must initialize the sensor again with the new address to communicate correctly.

### Important Considerations:

- **Unique Addresses**: Ensure each SEN0590 sensor has a unique I2C address on the bus. Commonly used addresses (like 0x29 and 0x52) should be avoided unless specifically set.
- **Address Range**: The VL53L0X sensor typically supports a range of addresses. Common ranges include 0x29 to 0x7F, but not all addresses in this range are valid or usable due to manufacturer limitations.

- **Power and Wiring**: Ensure stable power and correct wiring during the address configuration process to avoid communication issues.

By following these steps and adapting the provided example to your specific setup, you should be able to assign non-default I2C addresses to multiple SEN0590 sensors for scanning different directions or applications on your I2C bus.

userHeadPic JAMES.JACK