
Change address of MPU6050

userHead Kevin.Tetreault 2024-06-17 22:40:54 97 Views6 Replies

I would like to change the address of my MPU6050.

Currently, it is at 0x68.

When I look at your schematic, it shows AD0 high, which would imply address 0x69. So I'm guessing the schematic is out of date.


How can I change the address?




Kevin Tetreault


2024-07-11 17:24:44

To change the address of your MPU6050 sensor, you'll need to adjust the state of the AD0 pin. The default address of the MPU6050 is 0x68 when the AD0 pin is tied to ground (logic low). If you want to change the address to 0x69, you need to pull the AD0 pin high (logic high).

Here’s how you can change the address to 0x69:

1. **Locate the AD0 Pin**: Identify the AD0 pin on your MPU6050 module. This pin is typically labeled on the module itself or in the datasheet.

2. **Change AD0 Pin State**:
  - **For Address 0x68 (default)**: AD0 is connected to ground (logic low).
  - **For Address 0x69**: AD0 needs to be connected to Vcc (logic high). Vcc typically refers to the supply voltage (e.g., 3.3V or 5V depending on your module).

3. **Make the Connection**:
  - Use a jumper wire or solder bridge to connect the AD0 pin to the Vcc (power supply) instead of ground.
  - Ensure that you have the correct power supply level (3.3V or 5V) matching your module’s requirements.

4. **Verify the Address Change**:
  - After making the connection, power up your MPU6050 module.
  - Check the I2C address using your microcontroller or I2C scanner tool.
  - The address should now appear as 0x69 instead of 0x68.

5. **Update Your Code**:
  - Modify your existing code to communicate with the MPU6050 at the new address (0x69).

### Notes:
- Ensure that the AD0 connection is secure and does not accidentally short to ground or other unintended connections.
- Double-check the voltage levels to avoid damaging your MPU6050 or other components.
- Refer to the MPU6050 datasheet for any specific details regarding address configuration and voltage levels.

By following these steps, you should be able to successfully change the I2C address of your MPU6050 sensor from 0x68 to 0x69.

userHeadPic JAMES.JACK
2024-07-09 17:15:37

To change the I2C address of your MPU6050 sensor from the default 0x68 to 0x69 (assuming AD0 pin is high), you'll need to physically connect or disconnect the AD0 pin on the MPU6050 module. Here’s how you can do it:

### Steps to Change MPU6050 I2C Address:

1. **Understand AD0 Pin Functionality**:
  - The MPU6050 has an AD0 pin that determines the least significant bit (LSB) of its I2C address.
  - When AD0 is connected to the ground (GND), the address is 0x68 (binary: 1101000).
  - When AD0 is left floating or connected to VCC (3.3V or 5V), the address is 0x69 (binary: 1101001).

2. **Locate AD0 Pin**:
  - On your MPU6050 module, find the AD0 pin. It is typically labeled clearly on the module.

3. **Modify AD0 Connection**:
  - **If AD0 is already connected to GND** (which corresponds to 0x68):
    - You need to change this to connect AD0 to VCC (3.3V or 5V) to set the address to 0x69.
    - Carefully use a jumper wire or soldering iron (if needed) to connect the AD0 pin to the VCC pin (3.3V or 5V) on the module.

  - **If AD0 is already connected to VCC** (which corresponds to 0x69):
    - You are already set to address 0x69. No further action is needed unless you want to switch it back to 0x68 by connecting AD0 to GND.

4. **Verify Address Change**:
  - After making the physical connection change, power up your MPU6050 module.
  - Use an I2C scanner sketch on your Arduino (or similar microcontroller) to scan for I2C devices and confirm that the MPU6050 is now detected at the new address (0x69).

### Example I2C Scanner Sketch:

#include <Wire.h>

void setup() {
 while (!Serial);

 Serial.println("\nI2C Scanner");

void loop() {
 byte error, address;
 int nDevices;


 nDevices = 0;
 for(address = 1; address < 127; address++ ) {
   error = Wire.endTransmission();

   if (error == 0) {
     Serial.print("Found device at address 0x");
     if (address<16) 
     Serial.println(" !");
   else if (error==4) {
     Serial.print("Unknown error at address 0x");
     if (address<16) 
 if (nDevices == 0)
   Serial.println("No I2C devices found\n");

 delay(5000);  // Wait 5 seconds for next scan

### Notes:

- **Power Cycle**: After making the physical connection change (connecting AD0 to VCC or GND), it’s a good practice to power cycle your Arduino and MPU6050 module to ensure the changes take effect.
- **Library or Code Update**: If you're using any libraries or example codes that communicate with the MPU6050, make sure to update the I2C address in your code to match the new address (0x69) if needed.

By following these steps, you should be able to successfully change the I2C address of your MPU6050 sensor from 0x68 to 0x69 or vice versa, depending on the current state of the AD0 pin connection.

userHeadPic JAMES.JACK
2024-07-01 17:49:47

To change the I2C address of your MPU6050 accelerometer and gyroscope module from the default address (0x68) to the alternative address (0x69), you'll need to physically connect the AD0 pin on the MPU6050 to either VCC or GND, depending on the desired address configuration. Here’s how you can do it:

### Changing MPU6050 Address

1. **Locate the AD0 Pin**: On the MPU6050 module, find the AD0 pin. This pin determines the least significant bit (LSB) of the I2C address.
2. **Determine Desired Address**:
  - **AD0 High (Connected to VCC)**: This sets the I2C address to 0x69 (binary address 1101001).
  - **AD0 Low (Connected to GND)**: This keeps the default I2C address as 0x68 (binary address 1101000).

3. **Make the Connection**:
  - **AD0 High (0x69)**: Connect the AD0 pin of the MPU6050 module to the VCC (3.3V or 5V) using a jumper wire or solder bridge.
  - **AD0 Low (0x68)**: Connect the AD0 pin of the MPU6050 module to GND using a jumper wire or solder bridge.

### Verification

- After making the connection, power up your system.
- Use an I2C scanner sketch on your Arduino or Raspberry Pi to scan for I2C devices and verify the new address:
 #include <Wire.h>

 void setup() {
   while (!Serial);

   Serial.println("\nI2C Scanner");

 void loop() {
   byte error, address;
   int nDevices;


   nDevices = 0;
   for (address = 1; address < 127; address++) {
     // The i2c_scanner uses the return value of
     // the Write.endTransmisstion to see if
     // a device did acknowledge to the address.
     error = Wire.endTransmission();

     if (error == 0) {
       Serial.print("I2C device found at address 0x");
       if (address < 16) {
       Serial.print(address, HEX);
       Serial.println(" !");

     } else if (error == 4) {
       Serial.print("Unknown error at address 0x");
       if (address < 16) {
       Serial.println(address, HEX);
   if (nDevices == 0) {
     Serial.println("No I2C devices found\n");
   } else {

   delay(5000); // wait 5 seconds for next scan

- Run the above sketch and observe the Serial Monitor. It should detect the MPU6050 at the new address (0x69 if AD0 is connected to VCC).

### Schematic Note

- If the schematic you are referring to shows AD0 high (connected to VCC) for address 0x69, it implies that the module is configured to use that address when AD0 is high. This configuration is standard in many MPU6050 modules.

By following these steps, you can successfully change the I2C address of your MPU6050 module from 0x68 to 0x69 or vice versa, depending on your project requirements and the configuration you set for the AD0 pin.

userHeadPic JAMES.JACK
2024-06-24 23:15:36

You can check the solution here:

It says “The MPU-6050 has an address pin, marked as A0, which can be used to set the LSB (least significant bit) of the address. So if you connect A0 to ground, the address will be 0b1101000, if you connect it to Vcc it will be 0b1101001. ”


If you are interested in making a breakout board with MPU-6050 by yourself, you can follow this design.

userHeadPic lia.ifat
lia.ifat wrote:

These links may help too regrading the I2C address change of MPU6050.

2024-07-10 16:02:29
1 Replies
2024-06-21 17:40:50

To change the I2C address of your MPU6050 from the default address (0x68) to an alternative address (0x69), you need to physically configure the AD0 pin on the MPU6050 module. Here’s how you can do it:

### Understanding the AD0 Pin

- The MPU6050 has an AD0 pin that determines the least significant bit (LSB) of its I2C address.
- By default, when the AD0 pin is connected to GND (grounded), the address is 0x68 (binary: 1101000).
- When the AD0 pin is connected to Vcc (high), the address becomes 0x69 (binary: 1101001).

### Steps to Change the Address

1. **Locate the AD0 Pin**: On your MPU6050 module, identify the AD0 pin. This pin is typically labeled as AD0 or sometimes as SDA/AD0. It should be near the main I2C interface pins (SDA, SCL).

2. **Modify the Connection**:
  - **To change to address 0x69 (AD0 high)**: Connect the AD0 pin of the MPU6050 module to the Vcc (3.3V or 5V depending on your module) using a solder bridge or by placing a jumper between AD0 and Vcc.
  - **To retain address 0x68 (AD0 low)**: Connect the AD0 pin to GND.

3. **Verify and Test**:
  - After making the physical connection change:
    - Power cycle your MPU6050 module to ensure the new address configuration takes effect.
    - Update your I2C communication code to use the new address (0x69) instead of the default (0x68).

4. **Update Code Configuration**:
  - If you are using Arduino or any other microcontroller platform, modify your code where you initialize the MPU6050 object to reflect the new address.

  #include <Wire.h>
  #include <MPU6050.h>

  MPU6050 mpu;

  void setup() {
      // Initialize MPU6050 with the new I2C address (0x69)
      mpu.initialize(0x69); // Use 0x68 if AD0 is grounded
      // Additional setup code

  void loop() {
      // Your main code

### Final Notes

- **Documentation Review**: Always cross-check with the latest documentation or datasheet of your specific MPU6050 module to ensure accuracy regarding pin configurations and addresses
- **Testing**: After making changes, verify communication with the MPU6050 at the new address to ensure proper functionality.

By following these steps, you can successfully change the I2C address of your MPU6050 module from 0x68 to 0x69 or vice versa by configuring the AD0 pin accordingly. This flexibility allows you to resolve address conflicts in your I2C network or accommodate multiple devices on the same bus.

userHeadPic JAMES.JACK