
SKU:SEN0001 sensor Compatibility with Jetson orin nano developer kit

userHead dania.najjar 2024-06-26 22:45:49 71 Views1 Replies

I'm working on a project with Jetson orin nano developer kit  and I want to connect and run the SKU:SEN0001(two ultrasonic sensor) to it. (in c if it is possible)
(orin connect via i2c and the two ultrasonic sensor via uart)
Is there a documentation or a guide to implement this?

or (library work with orin nano developer kit)

 ultrasonic sensors (SKU:SEN0001)
IIC dual uart module: Gravity: IIC to dual UART module Wiki - DFRobot 5
Orin nano developer kit : Jetson Orin Nano Developer Kit Getting Started | NVIDIA Developer

2024-07-01 17:29:05

To interface two ultrasonic sensors (SKU:SEN0001) with your Jetson Orin Nano developer kit, where the sensors communicate via UART and the Orin Nano communicates via I2C, you'll need to follow these general steps:

### 1. Ultrasonic Sensors (SKU:SEN0001) Configuration

First, ensure you have the datasheet or technical documentation for the SKU:SEN0001 sensors. This documentation will provide crucial details such as:

- **UART Communication Protocol**: Understand the baud rate, data format (e.g., 8-N-1), and any specific commands or configurations needed to communicate with the sensors via UART.
- **Power Requirements**: Ensure you provide adequate power to the sensors as per their specifications.

- **Data Output Format**: Know how the sensors transmit distance or other measurements over UART.

### 2. Jetson Orin Nano Setup

For the Jetson Orin Nano:

- **I2C Communication**: Understand how to initialize and communicate over I2C from your C code. The Jetson platform typically uses Linux, so you'll use standard Linux system calls or a library like `libi2c-dev` to interact with the I2C bus.

- **I2C Addressing**: Determine the I2C address(es) of any device(s) you need to communicate with on the I2C bus.

### 3. Implementing in C

To interface both sensors and the Jetson Orin Nano in C:

- **UART Communication**: Use UART communication libraries (like `termios` for Linux) to handle communication with each sensor individually. You'll need to open UART ports, configure settings (baud rate, parity, etc.), and read/write data according to the sensor's protocol.

- **I2C Communication**: Use I2C library functions (`ioctl`, `read`, `write`, etc.) to interact with devices connected via I2C. This involves initializing the I2C bus, selecting the correct I2C device address, and performing read/write operations as needed.

### Resources and Documentation

- **Jetson Orin Nano Documentation**: NVIDIA provides comprehensive documentation and SDKs for the Jetson platform. Check the [NVIDIA Developer Portal]( for guides, SDKs, and sample code related to I2C communication.

- **Linux UART Programming**: Resources like the `termios` library provide interfaces for configuring and using UART ports in Linux. You can find tutorials and examples online for UART programming in C on Linux.

- **SKU:SEN0001 Documentation**: If available, refer to the manufacturer's documentation or website for specific details on UART communication protocols and setup.

### Example Workflow

Here’s a simplified example of how you might structure your program:

1. **Initialization**: Initialize UART ports for both sensors and the I2C bus for the Jetson Orin Nano.

2. **UART Communication**: Continuously read data from each sensor via UART using non-blocking reads or interrupts, depending on your application's timing requirements.

3. **I2C Communication**: Optionally, if you need to communicate with other I2C devices connected to the Jetson (not mentioned in your case, but for completeness), implement I2C read/write operations to interact with them.

4. **Data Processing**: Process the data received from the sensors (distance measurements, for example) in your main application logic.

5. **Error Handling and Cleanup**: Implement error handling for communication failures and properly close UART and I2C connections when exiting the program.

### Summary

While there might not be a specific guide tailored to your exact setup (Orin Nano + SKU:SEN0001 sensors), leveraging the general resources and documentation provided by NVIDIA for the Jetson platform, combined with typical Linux UART programming guides, will allow you to implement the necessary communication protocols effectively in C. Be sure to consult the datasheet or technical documentation for the SKU:SEN0001 sensors for detailed UART communication specifications.

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