General Gravity

Gravity: UART MP3 - Autoplay / Loop / Shuffle

userHead Jazda 2024-06-27 18:45:51 58 Views1 Replies


I'd like to run a Gravity: UART MP3 board (DFR0534) as a standalone, and have it powered through the USB port. Is it possible to:


1. Have it autoplay the MP3 file once the power is applied through the USB?

2. Have it not loop the MP3 file?

2. Put several MP3 files on the on-board storage, and have it shuffle which file it plays (but only play one)?


Thanks, Dave.


ps. I'm a total newbie to Arduino, and haven't even received my first one in the post yet!

2024-07-01 17:40:00

To address your questions regarding the Gravity UART MP3 board (DFR0534), let's break down each requirement:

### 1. Autoplay MP3 File on Power-Up

The Gravity UART MP3 board (DFR0534) can indeed be configured to autoplay an MP3 file once power is applied through the USB. This typically involves setting up the board with the correct settings using its built-in configuration tool. Here’s a general approach:

- **Configuration Tool**: The DFR0534 usually comes with a configuration tool (often a Windows application) that allows you to upload MP3 files to the onboard storage and set parameters like autoplay.

- **Autoplay Setting**: Use the configuration tool to specify which MP3 file should autoplay when the board receives power. This setting is often part of the configuration options provided by the tool.

### 2. Disable MP3 File Looping

- **Looping Control**: Many MP3 playback modules, including the DFR0534, have settings to control whether the currently playing MP3 file should loop or play only once.
- **Configuration Tool**: Use the configuration tool to set the playback mode to "Single Play" or a similar option, which instructs the module to play the MP3 file once and then stop, rather than continuously looping.

### 3. Shuffle Play for Multiple MP3 Files

- **Multiple MP3 Files**: The DFR0534 supports storing multiple MP3 files on its onboard storage.
- **Shuffle Play**: While the DFR0534 does not inherently support shuffling playback out of the box (it typically plays files in the order they are stored or based on a specified playlist), you can implement a shuffle-like behavior using an Arduino or microcontroller:

  - **Arduino Control**: Use an Arduino to control the DFR0534 via UART commands. Write a sketch that sends commands to the DFR0534 to select and play MP3 files randomly from the onboard storage.
  - **Randomization**: Generate random numbers in your Arduino sketch to select which MP3 file to play next. Send the appropriate commands to the DFR0534 module to play the selected MP3 file.

### Steps to Implement:

1. **Setup**: Set up the DFR0534 using its configuration tool to upload MP3 files and configure autoplay settings.

2. **Programming Arduino**: Once you receive your Arduino board, set it up to communicate with the DFR0534 via UART (serial communication).

3. **Write Arduino Sketch**: Develop an Arduino sketch that:
  - Sends commands to the DFR0534 to start playback on power-up.
  - Ensures MP3 files play only once by setting the appropriate playback mode.
  - Implements logic to shuffle and play MP3 files randomly if desired.

### Example Sketch (Partial):

Here’s a simplified example of how you might begin writing your Arduino sketch:

#include <SoftwareSerial.h>

SoftwareSerial mp3Serial(2, 3); // RX, TX pins on Arduino connected to RX, TX of DFR0534

void setup() {
 Serial.begin(9600); // Serial monitor for debugging
 mp3Serial.begin(9600); // Start software serial communication with DFR0534
 delay(1000); // Allow time for DFR0534 to initialize
 // Send command to DFR0534 to autoplay the first MP3 file on power-up
 mp3Serial.print("U0.playFile(1);"); // Replace with actual command supported by DFR0534

void loop() {
 // Your main Arduino loop code here

### Additional Resources:

- **DFR0534 Documentation**: Refer to the DFRobot wiki or documentation provided with the DFR0534 for specific commands and configurations.
- **Arduino Serial Communication**: Learn how to use Arduino to communicate with external modules via UART (serial communication).

By following these steps and adapting the example code, you should be able to achieve autoplay, disable looping, and implement shuffle-like playback for MP3 files stored on the Gravity UART MP3 board (DFR0534) using an Arduino or compatible microcontroller.

userHeadPic JAMES.JACK