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TEL0161 MQTT Issue

userHead Peter.Stewart 2024-07-14 11:06:57 42 Views1 Replies

I have purchased the TEL0161 (SIM7600G) Module. I have been using the SMS functions sucessfully. I now want to use the MQTT functions. However, the first thing I try is “AT+CMQTTSTART” and I always “+CMQTTSTART: 7” followed by “ERROR”. Error 7 appears to be “network open fail”. Can anyone tell me why I am getting this error?

2024-07-14 17:53:04

I believe I have solved the problem. My PDP context was not setup. Once I inserted the correct PDP Type and APN. (See “AT+CGDCONT” command.) All started working correctly. Oh, you must reset the TEL0161 Module after the changes are made. Either power down and up or use the “AT+CRESET” command.

userHeadPic Peter.Stewart