
Combining keypad and 8 digit 7 segment display (SKU DFR0646\DFR0645)

userHead Henrik.Larsen 2024-07-20 08:26:26 20 Views0 Replies



I am trying to write to the individual digits of the “8 digit 7 segment display”, but I am not able to do it based on an array (or other variables).


I am able to write both to the individual segments and send doubles into it, but I would like the input to come from an array.


So instead of:


I would like the individual segments to come from an array (that have 8 values that comes from the keypad):

LEDDisplaySegmentObject.print(KeypadInputArray[0], KeypadInputArray[1], KeypadInputArray[2], KeypadInputArray[3], KeypadInputArray[4], KeypadInputArray[5], KeypadInputArray[6], KeypadInputArray[7]);


The reason why I would like to do it as sending to the individual digits, is because the remaining figures should be “blank”.


I think that the problem is because of the value comming from the keypad is “char” and then it instert it in the print-command of the segment display as 48, 49, 50 etc. instead of 0, 1, 2 etc.


Thanks in advance - I have tried for five hours and I am getting kind of frustated.




// Libraries

#include <Keypad.h>

#include "DFRobot_LedDisplayModule.h"

// Set Up KeypadObject

const byte ROWS = 4;

const byte COLS = 3;

char keys[ROWS][COLS] = {







byte rowPins[ROWS] = {6, 11, 10, 8}; // Row pinouts of the keypad

byte colPins[COLS] = {7, 5, 9}; // Column pinouts of the keypad

// Create KeypadObject

Keypad KeypadObject = Keypad( makeKeymap(keys), rowPins, colPins, ROWS, COLS );

// Create LEDDisplaySegmentObject

DFRobot_LedDisplayModule LEDDisplaySegmentObject(&Wire, 0xE0);

// Create Variables

int KeypadInputNo = -1;

int KeypadInputArray[8] = {"","","","","4","","",""};



//// Setup


void setup(){


  /*Wait for the chip to be initialized completely, and then exit*/

  while(LEDDisplaySegmentObject.begin(LEDDisplaySegmentObject.e8Bit) != 0)


    Serial.println("Failed to initialize the chip , please confirm the chip connection!");



  //Set LEDDisplaySegmentObject Display Area


  //Clear LEDDisplaySegmentObject Display Area


  //Print "KLAR"




//// Main Loop


void loop(){

  //Get CurrentKeyPress

  char CurrentKeyPress = KeypadObject.getKey();


  if (CurrentKeyPress){

    if ((CurrentKeyPress == 48) || (CurrentKeyPress == 49) || (CurrentKeyPress == 50) || (CurrentKeyPress == 51) || (CurrentKeyPress == 52) || (CurrentKeyPress == 53) || (CurrentKeyPress == 54) || (CurrentKeyPress == 55) || (CurrentKeyPress == 56) || (CurrentKeyPress == 57)){

      //Update KeypadInputNo

      KeypadInputNo = KeypadInputNo + 1;

      //Update KeypadInputArray

      KeypadInputArray[KeypadInputNo] = CurrentKeyPress;

      //Write Current Input To Serial Monitor

      Serial.print("No. ");


      Serial.print(" - ");


      //Update Display   LEDDisplaySegmentObject.print(KeypadInputArray[0],KeypadInputArray[1],KeypadInputArray[2],KeypadInputArray[3],KeypadInputArray[4],KeypadInputArray[5],KeypadInputArray[6],KeypadInputArray[7]);

      //Check For Correct Input If Last Digit

      if (KeypadInputNo == 7){







//// Check For Correct Input


void CheckForCorrectInput(int& KeypadInputNo){

  //Write Status To Serial Monitor

  Serial.println("TEST FULL INPUT");

  //Reset KeypadInputNo

  KeypadInputNo = -1;

  //Perform Code For Wrong Input




//// Input Is Correct


void InputIsCorrect(){



//// Input Is Wrong


void InputIsWrong(){

  //Make Display Flash For Two Seconds





  //Reset Display

