
Alternate sample code for FIT0441

userHead Richard.Sewell 2024-07-27 22:09:51 80 Views1 Replies

I've just been getting a FIT0441 running on a Nano, and found the sample on the Wiki was not as helpful as it could be. Here's my current code in case it's useful.


#define DIRECTION_PIN 10

#define PWM_PIN 11

#define ENCODER_PIN 2  // must be an interrupt-capable pin, 2 is a good choice on a Nano


long pulsesPerRev = 45*6;  // gearbox is 45:1 reduction, motor has 6 pulses/rev


unsigned long directionChangeTime = 0;

bool direction = HIGH;


int rpmTarget = 100;


int encoderPulses = 0;


long lastEncoderTime = 0;

long encoderInterval = 1;

long encoderRPM = 0;

long lastPrintMillis = 0;


void setup() {

  // put your setup code here, to run once:



  TCCR2B = TCCR2B & 0b11111000 | 1; //set PWM frequency to 32khz, good for Nano and Uno


  pinMode(DIRECTION_PIN, OUTPUT); //direction control PIN 10 with direction wire

  pinMode(PWM_PIN, OUTPUT);


  digitalWrite(DIRECTION_PIN, direction);


  attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(ENCODER_PIN), encoderISR, RISING ) ;



void loop() {


  if (millis() - directionChangeTime > 5000)  {

    direction = !direction;

    digitalWrite(DIRECTION_PIN, direction);

    directionChangeTime = millis();



  if (Serial.available())  {

    int a = Serial.parseInt();

    if( a != 0 )


      rpmTarget = 255 - a;

      analogWrite(PWM_PIN, rpmTarget );  //input speed (must be int)






  long now = millis();

  if( now-lastPrintMillis > 500 )


    Serial.print("  r/min, target is ");


    Serial.print("Encoder interval ");


    Serial.print("encoderPulses ");


    Serial.print("totalRevs ");


    Serial.print("encoderRPM ");


    lastPrintMillis = now;


  i = 0;



void encoderISR()


  if( direction )

    encoderPulses ++;




  long now = micros();

  encoderInterval = now - lastEncoderTime;

  lastEncoderTime = now;




  encoderRPM = (60L * 1000000L) / (encoderInterval * pulsesPerRev);


2024-07-29 08:16:45

Thanks for sharing.

userHeadPic lia.ifat