Forum >RainFall Sensor SEN0575
RainFall Sensor SEN0575
I want to use the RainFall Sensor SEN0575 with an ESP32 board (HELTEC ESP32 Wifi Lora v3). I will use the I2C protocol, but i can't use the same pins as those used in the example. I don't see in the code where I shall indicate the pins I will use for the I2C protocol. Could you help me please ?
Thank You
Best Regards
2024-08-27 12:54:12
I received the following answer from the Technical Support :
The ESP32's I2C can be mapped to any pin; if you don't map it, the I2C pins default to GPIO22 and GPIO21.
If you need to map it to other pins, you just need to call Wire.begin on the first line inside setup().
Void Setup()
Wire.begin(22,21)//SCL SDA