
C1001 60GHz mmWave Indoor Fall Detection Sensor init error!!!

userHead Dean.Huang 2024-08-30 12:20:33 258 Views4 Replies



Here, I encountered an initialization error with the C1001 60GHz mmWave sensor when using it with the Arduino MKR WiFi 1010 and ESP-WROOM-32, the output and code in below.


serial monitor output:


init error!!!

Initialization successful

Start switching work mode










* @file sleep.ino
* @brief This is an example of the C1001 mmWave Human Detection Sensor detecting the presence of people and their respiration and heart rates.
* @copyright  Copyright (c) 2010 DFRobot Co.Ltd (
* @license     The MIT License (MIT)
* @author [tangjie]([email protected])
* @version  V1.0
* @date  2024-06-03
* @url
#include "DFRobot_HumanDetection.h"

// Declare hu as a global variable so it's accessible in all functions
DFRobot_HumanDetection hu(&Serial1);

void setup() {
 // Begin Serial1 with TX = Pin 14, RX = Pin 13

 Serial.println("Start initialization");
 // Attempt to initialize the sensor
 while (hu.begin() != 0) {
   Serial.println("init error!!!");
 Serial.println("Initialization successful");

 Serial.println("Start switching work mode");
 // Switch to sleep detection mode
 while (hu.configWorkMode(hu.eSleepMode) != 0) {
 Serial.println("Work mode switch successful");

 Serial.print("Current work mode:");
 // Check and print the current work mode
 switch (hu.getWorkMode()) {
   case 1:
     Serial.println("Fall detection mode");
   case 2:
     Serial.println("Sleep detection mode");
     Serial.println("Read error");

 // Configure the LED and reset the sensor
 hu.configLEDLight(hu.eHPLed, 1);  // Set HP LED to ON
 hu.sensorRet();                   // Module reset

 Serial.print("HP LED status:");
 // Check and print the LED status
 switch (hu.getLEDLightState(hu.eHPLed)) {
   case 0:
   case 1:
     Serial.println("Read error");


void loop() {
 Serial.print("Existing information:");
 // Check and print if someone is present
 switch (hu.smHumanData(hu.eHumanPresence)) {
   case 0:
     Serial.println("No one is present");
   case 1:
     Serial.println("Someone is present");
     Serial.println("Read error");

 Serial.print("Motion information:");
 // Check and print motion status
 switch (hu.smHumanData(hu.eHumanMovement)) {
   case 0:
   case 1:
   case 2:
     Serial.println("Read error");

 // Print body movement parameters, respiration rate, and heart rate using print and println
 Serial.print("Body movement parameters: ");

 Serial.print("Respiration rate: ");

 Serial.print("Heart rate: ");



2024-09-05 04:36:17

The begin/init routine is rather simple, it reads a small amount of data off the serial port.  Since you are using an ESP32, 


  #if defined(ESP32)
 Serial1.begin(115200, SERIAL_8N1, /*rx =*/D3, /*tx =*/D2);

userHeadPic Jim.OQuinn
Jim.OQuinn wrote:

Hit Submit before I was done, since you are using an ESP32, why not include the additional port setup parameters for the begin() function?  I'm not sure what the defaults are for the ESP-WROOM-32's non-native UART pins.  Browsing the various project examples I find these additional parameters included in all of them.  




Also, the ESP-WROOM-32's native UART pins are GPIO16 and GPIO17, you could give them a try.  


Lastly, are your RX and TX connected to the correct GPIOs on the ESP32?  Are they crossed or directly connected?

2024-09-05 05:03:47
1 Replies
2024-09-01 21:47:31

I had similar issues until I soldered the connections and made sure it had enough power and it works as expected now.  

userHeadPic Michael.FitzGerald
2024-08-30 12:35:17


userHeadPic Dean.Huang