
Not working setNetMode & checkSignalQuality together

userHead Akash.Rathnasiri 2024-10-08 15:54:40 23 Views0 Replies

Dear DFROBOT Team,


I am facing a conflict between the checkSignalQuality() and setNetMode() functions in my project. When I use the checkSignalQuality() function before calling setNetMode(), the setNetMode() function fails to set the network mode and repeatedly returns "Fail to set mode". On the other hand, if I call setNetMode() first and then attempt to use checkSignalQuality(), the signal strength returns "404", indicating that it is unable to capture the signal strength.


Here is a simplified version of the code I am using:


int signalStrength;
Serial.println("Get signal quality......");
signalStrength = sim7000.checkSignalQuality();         // Check signal quality
Serial.print("Signal strength = ");



Serial.println("Set net mode......");
while (1) {
   if (sim7000.setNetMode(sim7000.eGPRS)) {            // Set GPRS mode
       Serial.println("Set GPRS mode");
   } else {
       Serial.println("Fail to set mode");

Are there any known issues or conflicts between checkSignalQuality() and setNetMode() that might cause this behavior?
Do you have any suggestions or debugging tips for resolving this conflict?