
AIR780EU, problems at receive '/' character

userHead Francisco.García Marín 2024-10-09 17:24:02 26 Views0 Replies

Hi all

I'm working with this Module to receive from a http api a string of information, all is working right, I can receive a string with information, but, when the first character of this is ‘/’, the message is corrupt, for example “/state”, meanwhile if the message is “state/” all is right.

The message I'm trying to receive is inside a json message, normally this message is about 300 bytes, in the case of the problem describe, the message is cuted and always in the same place, not directly in the “/” but in other place of the json message.

This problem happen while working with c++ environment and esp32 Module, meanwhile using Python scripts the problem doesn't happen, in both cases I have used same  configuration of the Module air780eu, and same communication mobile operator.

I Alsi have try using At+ICCS to configure formato of encode the texto, but without result.

The problem is not related with buffer size or speed of transmission of the serial port.

I hope for help, thanks.