Easy IoT General

Tutorial for bluno

userHead Account cancelled 2018-01-06 23:12:49 3590 Views1 Replies
I'm new to programming and would like to get a bluno for my home automation project.
I just need to control a simple motor through bluetooth.
Unfortunatlly the tutorial page that is on your website nolonger exist.
Any possible way for you to reupload the page again?
the tutorial is "Porgramming the internet lessons 37: explore the dfrobot Bluno

many thanks
2018-01-12 16:45:46 This link has been a pay video, but if you want to learn how to use bluetooth to control a motor, you can first learn about how to control motor by motor driver and how to transfer data by bluetooth, and you can take a look of this link: https://www.dfrobot.com/wiki/index.php/ ... LE_Control it includes how to use Goble to control motors. userHeadPic robert.chen