Forum >differential pressure sensor SEN0343 and Home Assistant
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differential pressure sensor SEN0343 and Home Assistant

userHead FREDERIC.MONARD 2024-10-26 22:54:18 3417 Views1 Replies


I have reviewed the SEN0343 differential pressure sensor with interest for an HVAC control application. I would like to integrate it into Home Assistant via ESPHome and an ESP8266 or ESP32 module. Is this possible?



2024-10-30 21:25:55

Is it possible,  yes should you use a different sensor yes (XGZP6897D is natively supported). I have one running, you will need to add a custom component with your C++ code to pull data from the sensor.   Took me several days to get it up and running. 

userHeadPic JeremiahJeremiah