General Arduino

BMM150 strange data and bad north heading

userHead Vincent.van Laarhoven 2024-11-07 21:32:03 288 Views1 Replies

I want to know where the north is for my project. I use a ESP32 and the DFRobot Gravity BMM150 3-Axis Magnetometer Sensor Module. But the uT values are off and the north heading is also not great. I do use the example code of the library “#include "DFRobot_BMM150.h"” Can someone help me?

For the normal values are between 25 and 60 but i get:

mag x = 31 uT
mag y = -11 uT
mag z = -25 uT
the angle between the pointing direction and north (counterclockwise) is:109.54

#include <Arduino.h>

#include <Wire.h>

#include "DFRobot_BMM150.h"


const int SDA_PIN = 14;  // for I2C

const int SCL_PIN = 27;  // for I2C


DFRobot_BMM150_I2C bmm150(&Wire, I2C_ADDRESS_4);


void setup()



  Wire.begin(SDA_PIN, SCL_PIN); // Initialize the I2C bus




    Serial.println("bmm150 init failed, Please try again!");


  } Serial.println("bmm150 init success!");








void loop()


  sBmm150MagData_t magData = bmm150.getGeomagneticData();

  Serial.print("mag x = "); Serial.print(magData.x); Serial.println(" uT");

  Serial.print("mag y = "); Serial.print(magData.y); Serial.println(" uT");

  Serial.print("mag z = "); Serial.print(magData.z); Serial.println(" uT");

  float compassDegree = bmm150.getCompassDegree();

  Serial.print("the angle between the pointing direction and north (counterclockwise) is:");







2024-11-15 18:38:08

May I ask if you have a large number of running electrical appliances nearby, it is likely that you will not be able to get an accurate reading on the BMM150 if there is a lot of interference from the surrounding magnetic field.

userHeadPic Yeez_B