URM14 info

Hi, is it possible to read the URM14 sensor by connecting it to the PC via a rs485/USB converter? (Waveshare Industrial USB TO 4Ch RS485 Converter)
Is it possible to extend the sensor cables? (Maximum 10 meters) Or is it better to replace the entire cable? What type of cable should I get?
The target will be the lower side of a tire at a maximum distance of 1 meter. The measurement will be static.
Can it work well in this scenario?
The power supply that I would like to use. (MEAN WELL HDR 15-12 Power supply. 12Volt. 1,25A max) Is it correct?
Thank you very much.
Yes you can use the RS485-USB converter for testing.
The RS485 cable can be extended, 18AWG wire will do.
And as for whether you can measure tires, I suggest you actually test it.
For power supply, the URM14 max power consumption is only 350mA, so you have enough power supply.
DFRobot newly introduced Rainbow link, which can integrate 12V power supply and RS485 communication in one device, I think it's very suitable for your needs.
Rainbow link.
18AWG wire.