
Question regarding SKU TEL0150 CAN to UART USB Module

userHead James.Bond 2024-11-27 20:06:46 31 Views1 Replies

Hi all,


I would like to connect a sensor that uses UART/TTL communication to my existing CAN system. Is the SKU TEL0150 CAN to UART USB Module (see: suitable for this application? Meaning: can it also convert UART messages to CAN frames?


If so, is there any documentation available on the conversion protocol / how the UART messages are converted to CAN frames?

Is there any documentation available on how to M[mode],[acceptance_code],[acceptance_mask] configuration setting works?Am I able to configure UART Serial parameters other than the baudrate?


Thank you kindly for any help you can provide, and best regards,




2024-11-29 13:06:43

Yes it could convert UART data frame to the CAN data frame.

The UART interface accept the AT command, you could refer to the wiki tutorial:

userHeadPic Yeez_B