Bluno General Arduino

Beetle, but not a Bluno

userHead george.alvarez 2018-01-11 11:03:52 5092 Views6 Replies
I'm looking for power usage documentation for the plain old Beetle. Where can I find that? Is this the right forum?

Please give me a link to datasheet.

Also, I see there are two power interfaces. Is one IN and the other OUT?

The “Beetle” is a minimalized version of Arduino Leonardo, and has same powerful functionalities as Leonardo.
The Leonardo has 3.3V OUT. Is one OUT 3.3V? Please give me link to better diagram than this one: ... 282#PinOut.

2018-09-16 08:54:23 Hi george.alvarez. Did you have any luck connecting the Bluno to the SD card reader. I have the Beetle BLE and I'm trying to connect it to and Adafruit SD card reader, but I keep getting initialization failed. This previously worked with an Arduino Nano. I changed my chipSelect pin from 10 to 4. Was there anything special you did to get it working?


userHeadPic conrad.addo
2018-01-25 15:50:25 Thanks Robert, the CS pin for the card board is D10 and for the display, it's D11. Both are the brown lines, two from the MCU to each device.

I'm thinking I turn one on, talk to it, then turn it off. Then I turn the other one on, talk to it, and then turn it off.

It should work, right? As long as my partial refreshes don't overload the memory? I realize that the display refresh will be slow, but that won't matter much. What do you think now?
userHeadPic george.alvarez
2018-01-24 15:58:49 Beetle is a small size microcontroller, though it has the same chip as Leonardo, they are still different, and you can find much information from the wiki. For the diagram you give, you still need to select which one to communicate by "CS" pin, it's not simultaneously. userHeadPic robert.chen
2018-01-23 14:15:21 Hi Robert,

I'm wondering if I can use the SPI to run a data card board and simultaneously use SPI to run an epaper display. I'd store my display data on the SD card, and do partial refreshes to update the display. What do you think? Here is a schematic of what I want to do. Assuming the external boards are wired correctly, do you think the Beetle can do the job? I'd value your opinion. Thanks.

userHeadPic george.alvarez
2018-01-23 11:57:31 Hi Robert,

"has same powerful functionalities as Leonardo" != "we didn't make it full function like Leonardo, it only have some basic functions"

Thank you for the clarification and the schematic. It would be helpful for you to publish a list of the things you left out, right here on this page: ... KU:DFR0282 I made my purchase not knowing you'd left some things out. I would have purchased anyway, but at least I'd know what I was not going to get. I would encourage you to be completely forthcoming about that.

Your answer clears the 3.3V issue, and as you suggest, I can do it myself. I just didn't expect that I'd have to.

Know what I mean?

Thanks again.
userHeadPic george.alvarez
2018-01-11 14:26:22 Hi,
On the wiki, it gives the power supply information, the working voltage of 5V. 6V will damage the product by overvoltage. This product works reliably between 4.5V-5V; it may work under 3V-4.5V, but the reliability is not guaranteed.
The power pins are VCC/GND, "+" connect to 5V, and "-" to GND.
You can read the schematic here, though it uses Atmega32U4, we didn't make it full function like Leonardo, it only have some basic functions. So it doesn't have 3.3V pin, but you can use a LDO to get 3.3V.
userHeadPic robert.chen