SEN0214 Junk Data
I haven't put a lot of time into it with other projects I've been working on but efforts in getting any useful data out of this SEN0214 has failed. It ether doesn't really change with power draw or none, or it floats around super low values. The GPIO's used are correct along with the wiring for measuring.
Snippet from Home Assistant for this sensor:
- platform: adc
pin: GPIO33 # Use an ADC pin available on the ESP32
id: current_sensor_adc
name: "Current Sensor Raw Voltage"
unit_of_measurement: "V"
accuracy_decimals: 3
attenuation: 11db # Allow 3.3V input
update_interval: 1s
- platform: template
name: "Measured Current (DC)"
unit_of_measurement: "A"
accuracy_decimals: 2
update_interval: 1s
lambda: |-
// Read ADC voltage
float v_adc = id(current_sensor_adc).state;
// Reference Voltage (5V supply for SEN0214)
const float Vref = 5.0; // Sensor power supply
// Midpoint Voltage (0A)
const float midpoint = Vref / 2.0; // 2.5V
// Sensitivity
const float sensitivity = 0.1; // 100mV per amp
// Calculate current
float current = (v_adc - midpoint) / sensitivity;
return abs(current) > 0.05 ? current : 0.0; // Filter small noise values
Any pointers?