Forum >Bluetooth module

Bluetooth module

userHead JeeebeZ 2011-03-14 01:59:30 5543 Views3 Replies
If I power up the device the link light blinks fast. (twice a second roughly)
Using BlueSoleil it says its connected but it it blinks slower (once every 2 seconds)

So I guess I have 2 questions...

Is it really connected?

If I send information to it at a 57600 rate will it still transfer even though it is running at 115200?

Im trying to connect a PIC16F88 Microchip to it to directly transfer data to my PC, but I cant tell if it is connected because it is still blinking, I know the chip is sending the information correctly via my oscilloscope

from everything ive read there isnt a way to change the baud rate using a simple PIC
2011-04-21 10:43:09 hello admin, im new here...
sory if I oot, n sorry my english very bad

i see DF product here

i'm wanna ask, thats product same like this?

coz i'm wanna build some robot like tutorial this

it's will work?
i'm sorry admin my english bad,

thanks for u'r reply
userHeadPic baidhowi
2011-03-16 14:10:24 So, I went and got the V3 bluetooth.

All I have is the
GND - 0V
VCC - 4.2V
RND - 0V
3V3 - NC

I have the latest version of BlueSoleil, and am using "Advanced Serial Port Terminal" by Eltima.

I setup the terminal to "COM6: 38400, N, 8, 1" When I open the port the link on the Bluetooth goes on, and the status light blinks twice fast then is off for like 2 seconds.

I tried to write data

Write data:00000000: 61 74 5c 72 5c 6e 0d 0a                              at\r\n..


Write data:00000000: 61 74 0d 0a                                          at..

All I should get back is a OK but im not getting anything back. I don't know what i'm doing wrong.
I need to set it up to 57600 baud and the default is 9600.
userHeadPic JeeebeZ
2011-03-16 03:06:20 If the bluetooth is configured to work under 115200, it is not able to work under 57600. Make sure that you configure the right baud rate.

The simplest way to test it is to make your PIC program send some data through the serial port which is connected to bluetooth.  And open a serial monitor in you PC to see any data coming, if there is, then your bluetooth is working properly.
userHeadPic R2D2C3PO