Bluno General Arduino

How to write variable to ble characteristic

userHead info 2018-02-01 23:34:53 1067 Views0 Replies
Ok i have a sketch that calculates a value, lets say timeElapsed = 100;

How do I broadcast this value to a BLE phone from my bluno sketch?

I've tried Serial.write() [using the serial uart] but when I try to read the characteristic from the bluno on a mobile app, itll show up as db0's value but with the default values. To read any changes to it, I need to subscribe to its notifications but when I I try to do so in the BlueCap app for example, I get an Attribute error which I found here ( ... issues/151) stating that the firmware is missing a descriptor which would allow subcribing to notifications.

Then I found this post where apparently it is not possible to write out characteristics from the bluno nano using its serial pins (0,1), which means Serial.write() doesnt work, which seems supported by many posts out there. Instead he uses AltSoftSerial. Has anyone tried this? It seems odd that we wouldnt be able to use serial over ble from a device such as the bluno nano, but tech support doesnt seem to be very responsive and has not presented any solution.

So is it not possible to write values from bluno to a ble device? So basically the bluno nano will only let you communicate from ble phone to bluno, but not the other way around?