Bluno General Arduino

Bluno Nano stopped advertising service...

userHead info 2018-02-03 10:24:57 2775 Views9 Replies
I was trying to communicate with the bluno nano, so I ran this sketch:
Code: Select all
void setup() {
  // put your setup code here, to run once:
  pinMode(12, OUTPUT);

void loop() {
  // put your main code here, to run repeatedly:

  if(Serial.available() > 0){//Read from serial monitor and send over HC-12
    String input = Serial.readString();

    //Now test string for appropriate action
    if (input == "hi") {
      digitalWrite(12, HIGH);  // We have an active-low LED attached
    } else {
      digitalWrite(12, LOW);  // We have an active-low LED attached

I tried it, it worked by responding bye to hi sent from an ios ble app but now it shows up with only one service and I cant write to it or even read it.

I uploaded the firmwre using the mac tool and instructions provided here ( ... AT_command) but I still only get 1 service.
2018-02-22 12:54:15 Hello, Nice to meet you
This is my website.
userHeadPic ufa007x1
2018-02-09 23:55:11 ok it works, but now I have this issue:

userHeadPic info
2018-02-09 16:08:54 Yes, you can use a simple code to have a test
Code: Select all
void setup() {

void loop() {
    char a =;
//  Serial.println(a);
userHeadPic robert.chen
2018-02-08 22:51:17 So if in my sketch I write Serial.write("myValue"); then myValue shows up in the dfb1 of the bluno ble service? userHeadPic info
2018-02-08 17:08:49 Hi, here are what I figured out
1. dfb0,dfb1,dfb2 are the services this app set, you can't change them, or the function would disable. for example, if you change dfb0 to other name, then the app would not connect to Bluno device, the same is dfb1 and dfb2, these service would not work.
2. dfb1 means when it shows, the app page is like the serial monitor of IDE, you can send the text to serial. By Bluetooth, the serial of Bluno would receive the text
userHeadPic robert.chen
2018-02-07 22:15:21 Well, after 2 days of leaving it alone, unplugged in a box, I plugged it in yesterday and all of a sudden it works. I have the 2 services back and I can connect to it.

One last question on this topic, when you say: "dfb1 is for serial communication"

Does that mean whatever I send from Serial.write("this data"); in an arduino sketch, should show up in that service's characteristic?
userHeadPic info
2018-02-07 17:40:14 Hi,
I used Bluno Terminal to connect to my Bluno, and it could show dfb0, dfb1, dfb2, as I know dfb1 is for serial communication, if your app can't show any service, have you tried to re open it or re install it to test? I don't know if you also have the problem that my app will crash after open it.
userHeadPic robert.chen
2018-02-06 22:24:07 Im using BlunoTerminal and BlueCap and LightBlue and the BlunoDemoTest app from github. I have 4 bluno nanos, they all have a dfb1 service which is the module data service and dfb0 which is the custom service. Whenever I connect with any of the other bluno nanos I have I see the module and its 2 services and I can obviously connect to the module and read its characteristics from all those iOS apps.

With this other module, which used to work fine, whenever I Scan for it I can see the module but it only displays 1 service, I cant see it because Im also unable to connect to it. It used to work fine, I dont know what happened to it.
userHeadPic info
2018-02-06 18:08:43 What do you mean the service? And what iOS app were you using? userHeadPic robert.chen