Forum >Analog Ambient Light Sensor
Analog Ambient Light Sensor

I recently bought the DFR0026 Analog Ambient Light Sensor at ebay and I connected it to one of your arduino clone boards. I can read it's values but what does that value correspond to? What would a number like 178 mean (using your sample code sketch)? How much light is that in e.g. lux?? Or how much light is that per square inch in watts?
2018-12-27 02:19:17 This module uses a special ambient light detector(TEMT6000) with spectral response that closely emulates the human eye. It help you to to detect the light density and reflect the analog voltage signal back to Arduino controller mybkexperience survey.

2011-06-20 21:36:28 HI:
Please find the datasheet at
Please find the datasheet at

2011-06-17 06:09:37 what he wants is a table which reflect the value of resistance and lamination. I will post the datasheet in product page.

2011-06-17 05:09:16 Hi jessy
The values that you are getting are the way the analogue port reads the voltage across the sensor. The way that it is scaled is
5volts (input volts therefore max volts output of the sensor, very low resistance lots of light) = 1023
0volts (lowest output volts, high resistance no light at sensor = 0
The values you are getting are in-between 1023 and 0.
Eg. 510 would = 2.5 volts and 255 would = 1.25 volts
Don't know if this will help you, I hope I explained it easily enough to understand. :D
Jon Czudek
The values that you are getting are the way the analogue port reads the voltage across the sensor. The way that it is scaled is
5volts (input volts therefore max volts output of the sensor, very low resistance lots of light) = 1023
0volts (lowest output volts, high resistance no light at sensor = 0
The values you are getting are in-between 1023 and 0.
Eg. 510 would = 2.5 volts and 255 would = 1.25 volts
Don't know if this will help you, I hope I explained it easily enough to understand. :D
Jon Czudek

2011-06-17 00:35:17 Hi,
The sensor is basically a resistor who's value is changed by the amount of light it is exposed to.
Depending on the environment, the value will change. You should do some testing the environment you will use it in.
Just wire it up and see what the value changes to via the serial monitor.
To measure lux or watts accurately you would need a much more complex system.
The sensor is basically a resistor who's value is changed by the amount of light it is exposed to.
Depending on the environment, the value will change. You should do some testing the environment you will use it in.
Just wire it up and see what the value changes to via the serial monitor.
To measure lux or watts accurately you would need a much more complex system.