Forum >using the romeo to control 3 motors..

using the romeo to control 3 motors..

userHead bkrause 2011-06-21 14:01:26 6225 Views4 Replies
hey guys, i have a romeo board , i have two motors for drive control occupying default pins 4567.

i need to control a 3rd motor, which will simply be on/off, can i control the 3rd motor just with the romeo board, connecting to either analogue or digi pins? or does it require a separate motor controller or a funky breadboard circuit featuring transistors and resistors?
2011-07-06 14:24:43 TADD, lol i like that,

i was wondering hector if you can point me in the direction of a motor controller that can be used to power 3 12volt /3amp motors? the board i have romeo doesn't have the power to drive one of these motors
and would likely pop my chip, but also cant actually find a 3amp controller, apart from this[url=]
[/url]  from what i can see i could jack in a micro controller to the screw rail connecting the potentiometer??
thank you
userHeadPic bkrause
2011-06-22 21:18:48 Hi bkrause,

I have the same problem, I call it TADD (Tab attention deficit disorder). :D

The main problem you may run into by using the motor directly with arduino is that you might not have enough juice to drive the motor. You can try connecting it to a digital pin and writing it on and off to see if it will work. This shouldn't damage anything.

userHeadPic Hector
2011-06-22 16:52:46 thanks for the reply hector is a good site, trouble is for me i open up to many pages wen something catches my eye and i hadnt come across that article so thanks and the link to the 360 servo which im considering for another part of my project,
but the motor i am intending to power is incorporated into a piece of hardware(mini bb machine gun) and i want direct control over firing from pc, suppose i probably should have stated where and whatt he motor will do.

thanks for your reply and link dude;
userHeadPic bkrause
2011-06-21 19:14:01 Hi Bkrause,

Here is a link that might give you some [url=]ideas[/url]
I suggest using one of our 360 degree servos, they are modified versions of the 180 degree servos and thus have no position control. But it will work for your purposes.
Link:[url=]360 servo[/url]
userHeadPic Hector