
Mp3-tf-16p urgent help needed!

userHead Account cancelled 2018-02-16 18:13:26 819 Views0 Replies
Hi. I recently bought the module in the title and I've connected it to an arduino mega. I want to use this module with some touch sensors made from a darlington pair and the interrupt sensors of the mega board. So it goes like this. Every time the touch sensor activates i want the module to play a certain sound from the card.

The problem i have is that after playing the first sound is like the arduino stops. No command in the loop section is continued further. It's like it's waiting something.

Edit: I just noticed that i have to touch the sensor very short amount of time for the board to not stop. I e keep the sensor touched it somehow gets blocked.

Can anyone help me please ?
I will add further information if needed. Just ask.