Forum >The wifi shield

The wifi shield

userHead jessy 2011-06-14 19:48:08 15560 Views19 Replies
I bougth several things to make an arduino based robot. I have problems to use the wifi shield. One of the features is " Ethernet to wireless bridging". Well, I tried to use it to control the robot by http (webserver) ,but I couldn't configure it to make a simple webserver in arduino with ethernet library. The wifi shield configured as "client" connect correctly to my router and I can access to the web config tool via WIFI but I couldn't access to the arduino html webserver I program via WIFI or the RJ45. How can I configure the wifi shield to use it like the "ethernet shield" but via wifi?

Also, the VIN and 5,5 V pin of the shild doesn't work. If I put "sensor shiled V5" at top, It didn't receive power. If I put it under the wifi shield both shields receive power. that's normal?
2011-06-17 13:31:18 Hello,

I was trying options and searching for information about IP-Serial for arduino and I found that [url=][/url].

I tried the "hello world" sketch and.... the telnet answer but I didn't have enough time to try another things. The dfrobot wifi shield is configured as "client" mode .

I think this library or similar like this could be the solution but I don't know how to use it at 100%.

userHeadPic nestor
2011-06-17 13:31:18 Hello,

I was trying options and searching for information about IP-Serial for arduino and I found that [url=][/url].

I tried the "hello world" sketch and.... the telnet answer but I didn't have enough time to try another things. The dfrobot wifi shield is configured as "client" mode .

I think this library or similar like this could be the solution but I don't know how to use it at 100%.

userHeadPic nestor
2011-06-16 13:30:14 Hi every body,

If you set the serial jumper "OFF", the shiled works like a bridge but... a bridge or a repeater? 

I have a wifi bridge that make a wifi conected system anything that has a net conector RJ45, for example IPCAMs or an arduino with a ethernet shield.

The conection between the ethernet shield and arduino, more less, is serial transfer, well I think so.

At the wifi shield, I supose the lan IP an the WAN it's the same. I couldn't use this shield to conet to my network using the RJ45 conexion.

I see something about server & client configuration, ports etc at the manual, but I didn't had time to try more things

userHeadPic nestor
2011-06-16 13:30:14 Hi every body,

If you set the serial jumper "OFF", the shiled works like a bridge but... a bridge or a repeater? 

I have a wifi bridge that make a wifi conected system anything that has a net conector RJ45, for example IPCAMs or an arduino with a ethernet shield.

The conection between the ethernet shield and arduino, more less, is serial transfer, well I think so.

At the wifi shield, I supose the lan IP an the WAN it's the same. I couldn't use this shield to conet to my network using the RJ45 conexion.

I see something about server & client configuration, ports etc at the manual, but I didn't had time to try more things

userHeadPic nestor
2011-06-15 21:40:36 Hi Jonczu,

Yes, please definitely post your project to our board, if you run into any problems along the way please continue to post here, we will do our best to help you.

Happy Hacking!


userHeadPic Hector
2011-06-15 21:40:36 Hi Jonczu,

Yes, please definitely post your project to our board, if you run into any problems along the way please continue to post here, we will do our best to help you.

Happy Hacking!


userHeadPic Hector
2011-06-15 20:34:25 Hi Hector;

Thanks for the reply. The project I'm working on is wirelessly controlling the arduino by iPhone, I will post my results when I get it working as it might help others and give a greater insight on the wifi sheild. 8)

Jon Czudek
userHeadPic Jonczu
2011-06-15 20:34:25 Hi Hector;

Thanks for the reply. The project I'm working on is wirelessly controlling the arduino by iPhone, I will post my results when I get it working as it might help others and give a greater insight on the wifi sheild. 8)

Jon Czudek
userHeadPic Jonczu
2011-06-15 18:16:33 Hi Jonczu,

there are 3 sets of jumpers on the shield. The first two are for USB/WiFi mode. These are used for uploading your sketch or using the wifi.

So, when  you want to upload a sketch you need to set it to USB.
When you are ready to use Wifi you need to set it to Wifi mode.

The 3rd jumper is Serial mode. This is a toggle for the module settings. It sets serial mode to allow communication from wifi to Arduino. If the Serial mode is turned off then the Wifi adapter works as a wifi bridge, enabling you to use it as a range extender for your network.

So for most of our projects this jumper should be left in Serial mode.

userHeadPic Hector
2011-06-15 18:16:33 Hi Jonczu,

there are 3 sets of jumpers on the shield. The first two are for USB/WiFi mode. These are used for uploading your sketch or using the wifi.

So, when  you want to upload a sketch you need to set it to USB.
When you are ready to use Wifi you need to set it to Wifi mode.

The 3rd jumper is Serial mode. This is a toggle for the module settings. It sets serial mode to allow communication from wifi to Arduino. If the Serial mode is turned off then the Wifi adapter works as a wifi bridge, enabling you to use it as a range extender for your network.

So for most of our projects this jumper should be left in Serial mode.

userHeadPic Hector
2011-06-15 02:48:46 Hi;

I would like to clarify whether the wifi sheild only uses the tx rx of the arduino or if it has any other pins connected.  ??? What happens when the the serial mode jumperr is in the off position?  ???

Jon Czudek
userHeadPic Jonczu
2011-06-15 02:48:46 Hi;

I would like to clarify whether the wifi sheild only uses the tx rx of the arduino or if it has any other pins connected.  ??? What happens when the the serial mode jumperr is in the off position?  ???

Jon Czudek
userHeadPic Jonczu
2011-06-15 01:37:41 Hi,

Give me a few days and I will work this problem out. I will write up a small tutorial and sample code on how to use the wifi shield.

Just so you know, the wifi shield works with the Rx Tx pins in serial mode so really when you access it via the web you are accessing a serial terminal, you should build your program around that.

If you have any progress please let us know, and share your code :)
userHeadPic Hector
2011-06-15 01:37:41 Hi,

Give me a few days and I will work this problem out. I will write up a small tutorial and sample code on how to use the wifi shield.

Just so you know, the wifi shield works with the Rx Tx pins in serial mode so really when you access it via the web you are accessing a serial terminal, you should build your program around that.

If you have any progress please let us know, and share your code :)
userHeadPic Hector
2011-06-15 00:34:17 First of all, thanks to Jessy to post my question at the forum and thanks to Jonczu to answer.

I have an ethernet shield and a wifi bridge ([url=][/url])  that I used to control the arduino.  I used the ethernet library and de webserver library to make a sketch.

Then when I put de ip of the arduino I get the sensors info and if I put something like than "" I control de LED, for example.

I want to change the ethernet shield and the wifi bridge for the dfrobot wifi shield. I configure the wifi shield like "client mode" to be connected to my router and I works fine. I can make a ping form my PC and I can access to the web admin via wifi.

My problem is that I don't which code I have to use in the new skech to do the same that I do whith the ethernet shield and wifi bridge.

I want to put in my PC browser the IP of the arduino and get the sensor info and control the arduino with parameters at the url, parsing the URL getting the parameter (for example parameter led=on) and then process the parameter in order to change the LED status.

Someona know how to do it?

thanks for all

userHeadPic nestor
2011-06-15 00:34:17 First of all, thanks to Jessy to post my question at the forum and thanks to Jonczu to answer.

I have an ethernet shield and a wifi bridge ([url=][/url])  that I used to control the arduino.  I used the ethernet library and de webserver library to make a sketch.

Then when I put de ip of the arduino I get the sensors info and if I put something like than "" I control de LED, for example.

I want to change the ethernet shield and the wifi bridge for the dfrobot wifi shield. I configure the wifi shield like "client mode" to be connected to my router and I works fine. I can make a ping form my PC and I can access to the web admin via wifi.

My problem is that I don't which code I have to use in the new skech to do the same that I do whith the ethernet shield and wifi bridge.

I want to put in my PC browser the IP of the arduino and get the sensor info and control the arduino with parameters at the url, parsing the URL getting the parameter (for example parameter led=on) and then process the parameter in order to change the LED status.

Someona know how to do it?

thanks for all

userHeadPic nestor
2011-06-14 22:49:17 Hi Jessy;

Don't know if this link will help but have a look at page 13 (reading it all will give a better understanding of the module). I found that the wifi module is connected to the LAN port and that the only com between arduino and wifi/LAN sheild is serial (tx,rx pins). All prossecing and hosting of web servers is setup on the module (all details in the manual) no sketch require except serial read and serial write. :D

About the 5 volt pin not working I'm not sure, but I did notice with mine that the wifi draws a fair amount of power and there is quite a significant voltage drop. Depends on what power supply you are using? ???

I stand to be corrected if anything I've said is wrong, I've only got one of them not long ago and haven't play much with it before having a small accident (look at my post wifi shield problems).  :)

Wish you luck;
Jon Czudek
userHeadPic Jonczu
2011-06-14 22:49:17 Hi Jessy;

Don't know if this link will help but have a look at page 13 (reading it all will give a better understanding of the module). I found that the wifi module is connected to the LAN port and that the only com between arduino and wifi/LAN sheild is serial (tx,rx pins). All prossecing and hosting of web servers is setup on the module (all details in the manual) no sketch require except serial read and serial write. :D

About the 5 volt pin not working I'm not sure, but I did notice with mine that the wifi draws a fair amount of power and there is quite a significant voltage drop. Depends on what power supply you are using? ???

I stand to be corrected if anything I've said is wrong, I've only got one of them not long ago and haven't play much with it before having a small accident (look at my post wifi shield problems).  :)

Wish you luck;
Jon Czudek
userHeadPic Jonczu
2011-06-14 19:48:08 I bougth several things to make an arduino based robot. I have problems to use the wifi shield. One of the features is " Ethernet to wireless bridging". Well, I tried to use it to control the robot by http (webserver) ,but I couldn't configure it to make a simple webserver in arduino with ethernet library. The wifi shield configured as "client" connect correctly to my router and I can access to the web config tool via WIFI but I couldn't access to the arduino html webserver I program via WIFI or  the RJ45. How can I configure the wifi shield to use it like the "ethernet shield" but via wifi?

Also, the VIN and 5,5 V pin of the shild doesn't work. If I put "sensor shiled V5" at top, It didn't receive power. If I put it under the wifi shield both shields receive power. that's normal?
userHeadPic jessy