
JSN-SR04T Weather - proof Ultrasonic Sensor with Separate Probe

userHead Account cancelled 2018-02-19 15:27:31 2184 Views0 Replies
I need help on this particular sensor.

First of all , all credit to the manufacturer, I am getting good results with this sensor. It is currently mounted in a rain water harvesting plastic tank container. Good results regarding levels, volume. distances and percentage measurement via Thingspeak . To achieve this, I am making use of the Wemos DI mini esp8266 with arduino code exactly as in sensor example on their product page, but of course modified to connect to Thingspeak.

Currently the data is send to Thingspeak every 60 seconds.

About once in a 30 minute period, the sensor will just drop to zero, messing up the results regarding level of water and the rest of the volume formula. It will then resume as normal until next drop.

1. What is the significance of me using the Wemos D1/Esp8266 with Arduino code instead of Arduino R3 or similar?
2. The Wemos Vcc = 5V or 3v3 and I alternated between the two with same drop results. I want to think levels to the sensor should be fine ? I also tried 5v and 3v3 Power supplies both on sensor with same negative results. I use one PSU for both sensor and Wemos D1 on same negative supply rail connected.
3. I changed the data send time to Thingspeak between min 15 seconds up to 1 min and more, same negative result.
4. I did pick up from google searches of similar data drop similarities by the very well known HCR - S04 sensor.
5. I want to think the simple effective Arduino code on their product page, not using a NEW PING library is good enough and work just fine in principle, but before I change to NEW PING , I would like to get to the bottom of this sensor dropping to zero at times. This also means before modifying the code with medians and average libraries too.
6. I also increased the default 10mS signal to 15, and for some reason I think the drop occurs less in a same given period?
7. The only delay in the Arduino code is the 50mS , besides my Thingspeak Channel requirement of a min of 15 seconds which I address with millis and not with a delay instruction.
8. At this stage, after two days of constant monitoring the the data, the data results increase in numbers (e.g. litres will go up, with same water level), during the day time and back down again during colder evenings. Just interesting at this stage.