Forum >DFRobot Bluetooth V3 unable to change Baud rate

DFRobot Bluetooth V3 unable to change Baud rate

userHead cybersyx 2011-09-03 13:32:13 4950 Views3 Replies
Hi, i've a little problem with dfrobot bluetooth v3, i'm try yo change the baude rate with no success. I've create a new com port and open this port with putty, the port open with success with default baud rate 38400 but when i try to send AT command i don't have any result, and when a try to write the AT command in the terminal on the terminal screen don't appear anything. I try also with zterm on mac osx but the result is the same. Any Idea ?
Thanks a lot
2011-09-06 18:50:27 Hi,

Have you switched the dip switch to AT MODE?

How are you plugging the Bluetooth module into the PC? Are you using a TTL converter?

userHeadPic Hector
2011-09-06 04:35:48 Now i'm able to read that i write but i don't receive any response from the module. userHeadPic cybersyx
2011-09-05 23:13:11 Hi,

When setting up the Putty terminal have you tried to force "local echo" on?

When setting up the Putty terminal Go to >Terminal option on the left side/

Look for "Local Echo" and set to "force on" as well as "local line editing"

This should display what you are typing in the terminal.
userHeadPic Hector