Forum >DFRobot Bluetooth V3 unable to change Baud rate
DFRobot Bluetooth V3 unable to change Baud rate

Hi, i've a little problem with dfrobot bluetooth v3, i'm try yo change the baude rate with no success. I've create a new com port and open this port with putty, the port open with success with default baud rate 38400 but when i try to send AT command i don't have any result, and when a try to write the AT command in the terminal on the terminal screen don't appear anything. I try also with zterm on mac osx but the result is the same. Any Idea ?
Thanks a lot
Thanks a lot
2011-09-06 18:50:27 Hi,
Have you switched the dip switch to AT MODE?
How are you plugging the Bluetooth module into the PC? Are you using a TTL converter?
Have you switched the dip switch to AT MODE?
How are you plugging the Bluetooth module into the PC? Are you using a TTL converter?

2011-09-06 04:35:48 Now i'm able to read that i write but i don't receive any response from the module.

2011-09-05 23:13:11 Hi,
When setting up the Putty terminal have you tried to force "local echo" on?
When setting up the Putty terminal Go to >Terminal option on the left side/
Look for "Local Echo" and set to "force on" as well as "local line editing"
This should display what you are typing in the terminal.
When setting up the Putty terminal have you tried to force "local echo" on?
When setting up the Putty terminal Go to >Terminal option on the left side/
Look for "Local Echo" and set to "force on" as well as "local line editing"
This should display what you are typing in the terminal.