Forum >Can Wireless Programming Module (WPM) connect to other XBees?

Can Wireless Programming Module (WPM) connect to other XBees?

userHead jewe 2011-09-14 05:04:31 4576 Views3 Replies

i bought two Wireless Programming Module For Arduino (SKU:TEL0037). Is it possible to connect these Modules to a XBee-Network? If yes, what settings do i need?
2011-09-15 00:19:21 The zigbee is actually a kind of protocol.  The WPM uses our own protocols. 

For example, the zigbee speaks english, while the WPM speaks chinese. That is why they can not communicate.
userHeadPic R2D2C3PO
2011-09-14 23:48:40 Thanks! Can you explain the technology used by the WPM? I have read the article at

Whats the difference between a zigbee connection and the WPM?
userHeadPic jewe
2011-09-14 19:48:16 The WMP is not possible to connect to Xbee. Sorry! userHeadPic R2D2C3PO