
Int or Float in BME680 AIQ

userHead sales 2018-03-06 20:39:59 2023 Views4 Replies
in the wiki of the bme680 ... _Documents
there are two examples, one activating the sensor IAQ, another one without it.
The reading of the data are the same, for example readTemperature();, how ever with AIQ no activated the result is a float number, but activating the IAQ we get an integer.
You can see the results on the wiki page.
Is there a way to solve this and get all of them as float as they should be?
2018-03-26 21:31:01 Hi,
With IAQ and without IAQ measurements are different. Using the example code with IAQ, the module keeps rising the value of the IAQ for about 30-60 minutes after that it stops and gives the same reading until you reset it. The code is not working properly.
userHeadPic sales
2018-03-14 16:21:10 I am not sure about the reason, but these are measured in different environment, the temperature and humidity is possible to be float, have you test in the same environment with and without the IAQ, are the temperature and humidity the same. userHeadPic robert.chen
2018-03-08 19:43:49 Hello,
thanks, I might not have explained myself correctly. I agree IAQ is integer but I didn't mean that.
Look example 1 where no IAQ is requested, temperature and humidity are floats (two decimals), ... result.png

but in the second example where IAQ is requested, temperature and humidity are integers (no decimals). The values i guess are truncated. ... lt_iaq.png
I am working with the second example I am not able to get temperature and humidity with decimal outputs or resolution.

Hope I have explained a bit better.
thanks in advance.
userHeadPic sales
2018-03-08 17:51:24 You can change the "float" to "int" in the code, because IAQ is not a float number, it is just a integer, like you can see in the IAQ Index. userHeadPic robert.chen