
How to check and update the firware on DFPlayer module?

userHead whispers007 2018-03-07 23:57:08 761 Views1 Replies

I have some DFPlayer modules.. from various sources.. some here, some from ebay.

Some have a blue led.. some have a red led....

* I dont really care about the led difference... but some of the boards do NOT work with the DFRobot DFPlayer library.. and some do?

I can use the same exact sketch, and just swap out the DFPlayer module.. and some will work and some wont.

Seems that some do not like the enableLoop() and disableLoop() commands? (from what I can tell so far)..

So my question(s) are... how can I get the CURRENT firmware on the chipset? And how do I update it?

Thank you.
2018-03-17 02:15:12 ^bump userHeadPic whispers007