Bluno General Arduino

swift sdk available for Bluno

userHead shawt 2018-03-13 09:50:10 2412 Views4 Replies
Just got my Bluno in the mail, and it looks promising.

I was able to download and explore the sample Bluno Test app in xcode.

It would help out a lot if there is an SDK for swift with some documentation. Does such a thing exist?

Specifically, I am looking to flash compiled arduino code over the BLE connection.

2018-04-02 20:16:51 I haven't heard anything on this in a few days.

I'd be willing to pay for some help on it, and I've posted a job in People Per Hour:
userHeadPic shawt
2018-03-30 21:11:51 Is there any way to get some help on this? Clearly it is possible because you are doing it in BigBee. Can you either...

1. Add a method to DFBlunoManager that flashes compiled code to the board.
2. Share the source of BigBee (or at least the section that flashes the code)
3. Point me toward some resources regarding how to accomplish this

BigBee is a good start, but it's missing a number of features that I need, and it looks like you are no longer developing it. My app can save in the cloud, share sketches between users, load example code and tutorials and include a number of other valuable features. Help me out with this, and I will have it in the app store in a few days.
userHeadPic shawt
2018-03-29 03:45:40 Yes, I've been exploring that, but there is no method for uploading compiled code to the Arduino over BLE. This is what I need to be able to do. userHeadPic shawt
2018-03-14 16:24:29 Check Bluno Basic Demo's source code userHeadPic robert.chen