Forum >Xbee Wireless Upload and Mega 2560

Xbee Wireless Upload and Mega 2560

userHead Account cancelled 2011-12-09 22:14:32 4248 Views1 Replies

Is it possible to upload sketch on mega 2560 via xbee?

Here my configuration :
- DFRobot 2560 + Xbee Shield + Xbee 1mw s 1
- Xbee Usb Explorer + Xbee 1mW s 1

When i send the command :

[code]E:\Arduino\arduino-1.0\hardware/tools/avr/bin/avrdude -CE:\Arduino\arduino-1.0\hardware/tools/avr/etc/avrdude.conf -v -v -v -v -patmega2560 -cstk500v2 -P\\.\COM5 -b115200 -D -Uflash:w:E:\Arduino\Xbee\Blink.cpp.hex:i [/code]

avrdude send the command 1B 01 00 01 0E 01 14
1B : begin
01 : number
00 01 : length
0E : begin of msg
01 : th msg who ask to execute CMD_SIGN_ON
14 : checksum

Normaly, the bootloader reply 1B 01 00 0B 0E 01 00 08 41 56 52 49 53 50 5F 32 74
1B : begin
01 : number
00 0B : length
0E : begin of the msg
01 00 08 41 56 52 49 53 50 5F 32 : th msg
01 : command CMD_SIGN_ON
08 41 56 52 49 53 50 5F 32 : 8AVRISP_2
74 : checksum

When i send via xctu directly to mega 2560 just ater push the reset button and without the xbee module, i've got the right answer.
When i send via xctu thrue the xbee module to mega 2560 just ater push the reset button, i've got the answer.
1B 01 [b]80 21 80[/b] 49 53 50 5 32 74
The length of the msg is 80 21, 32801 bytes and avrdude is waiting for a long time.

I thing that the bootloader is not the problem.

Is it the same problem as WPM module you said in this post :
[quote]We have tried your setup and discovered that the WPM module will not work with the MEGA 2560. The modules do work for the duemilanove, UNO, and the MEGA 1280. I am sorry about this inconvenience. We will add this incompatibility to our product page. [/quote]

Is the problem on the mega board?

2011-12-09 22:45:33 Hi Jerome,

It is not possible to use regular Xbees to program Arduinos, that is why we made the special WPMs. But, at the moment they are not working with the MEGA 2560. Sorry.

userHeadPic Hector