Forum >The Bluetooth V3 is not compatible with official Arduino UNO and Mega

The Bluetooth V3 is not compatible with official Arduino UNO and Mega

userHead R2D2C3PO 2011-05-14 05:11:41 8005 Views4 Replies
Important Notice:

After thoroughly tests , we have identified that DF-Bluetooth V3 is not compatible with offical Arduino UNO Mega 2560.

The main reason is the resistor on RX Pin of Arduino is too high.

The DF-Bluetooth V3 is working on DFRduino Dumlinove Uno/Mega 1280/2560 without any problem.
2012-01-08 08:47:37 Ricky,

could you please provide us with some concrete instructions how to prepare Arduino UNO to work with Bluetooth V3?

a lot of thanks
userHeadPic vanja
2011-11-30 08:27:07 Hi Ricky:

you said The main reason is the resistor on RX Pin of Arduino is too high. 

Why add higher resistor ?  It supposed to be lower?

and adding resistors doesn't work

sorry for my poor English  i'm not an American 
userHeadPic K29645806
2011-11-28 20:13:58 The only way is to modify the resistor.  Replace the 1k resistor to 4.7k will do the work. userHeadPic R2D2C3PO
2011-11-27 05:12:05 OK,I knew that the resistor on RX Pin of Arduino is too high

What should I do so taht the arduino UNO can receive data from bluetooth V3?

Is increasing voltage working? 

The TX pin on bluetooth V3 is already 4.4V. When I send message ,it just drops to 4.2V?

It should drop more right?
userHeadPic K29645806