Forum >Romeo board

Romeo board

userHead SuperMiguel 2011-05-07 15:00:03 6008 Views5 Replies
So i bought an all in one controller: on the documentation it says to use the arduino IDE, so i used it, when trying to load code to it. I get this error: avrdude: stk500_recv(): programmer is not responding

dfrobot i did select the right port and the right board.

connected an ICSP programmer to it, and cant even read the signatures
2012-01-13 18:34:51 Hi Dkruger,

Did you select the type of board from the "Tools>Boards" menu? You need to select "Arduino Duemilanove w/ATMega328"

userHeadPic Hector
2012-01-13 07:07:31 I am running the 1.0 IDE on Windows 7.  I successfully ran programs on an Arduino Uno.  Then I bought the Romeo board.  I plug in the USB cable, and windows reports the drivers are installed.  I get the same errors the poster did.  There is nothing wrong with the USB cable.  It did complain about the wrong serial port, but that's pretty standard, I switched too the one the IDE found (Com6).  There's nothing connected to the board. Is there something wrong?  Do I manually have to select the type of board perhaps? userHeadPic dkruger
2011-12-26 21:14:07 You can not connect anything to RX/TX when connected to your PC.  userHeadPic R2D2C3PO
2011-12-26 08:03:08 I got that error message on my Duemilanove when i had some stuff connected on Digtial Pin 0 and 1 (TX/RX). userHeadPic spawny
2011-05-10 23:15:26 First, try another USB cable and usb port.
Second, did your PC recognize the Romeo?
userHeadPic R2D2C3PO