Forum >DFRduino Audio player problem

DFRduino Audio player problem

userHead thomaspf 2011-12-07 21:19:10 20984 Views29 Replies

I received my audio player and seem to struggle with setting up the SD card correctly. I read all the posts on the forum as to how a 1GB Micro SD card needs to be formatted into FAT format, containing a folder named "sound" in the root with flat files with a name < 8 characters.

No luck for me. The LED keeps blinking and I can't talk to the board via I2C.

Attached are two JPGs showing what my card looks like. Am I doing anything wrong or might the board be defective?


2011-12-13 09:44:13 I would be very grateful! I will leave the Sandisk 1GB card in the version I send back. Maybe there is something to be learned that could be added to the documentation.
What is the address and contact information for UPS? Do I need any return code on the parcel?


userHeadPic thomaspf
2011-12-13 09:44:13 I would be very grateful! I will leave the Sandisk 1GB card in the version I send back. Maybe there is something to be learned that could be added to the documentation.
What is the address and contact information for UPS? Do I need any return code on the parcel?


userHeadPic thomaspf
2011-12-13 09:44:13 I would be very grateful! I will leave the Sandisk 1GB card in the version I send back. Maybe there is something to be learned that could be added to the documentation.
What is the address and contact information for UPS? Do I need any return code on the parcel?


userHeadPic thomaspf
2011-12-13 00:32:16 What we can do is to send you a working player with SD card.  You can return your to us.  What do you think? userHeadPic R2D2C3PO
2011-12-13 00:32:16 What we can do is to send you a working player with SD card.  You can return your to us.  What do you think? userHeadPic R2D2C3PO
2011-12-13 00:32:16 What we can do is to send you a working player with SD card.  You can return your to us.  What do you think? userHeadPic R2D2C3PO
2011-12-12 19:17:15 Okay, I officially give up. I completed the code for all the sensors and everything works except for the player. On the I2C bus I have

[*]DS3231 RTC chip
[*]BMP085 Pressure and Temperature sensor
[*]TSL2561 Luminosity sensor  with a 3.3V level shifter
MediaTek MT3329 GPS receiver on the serial port

Any other suggestions? This is supposed to be fancy alarm clock I am building with my son. He wants it to play Time from Pink Floyd as a wake-up theme.


userHeadPic thomaspf
2011-12-12 19:17:15 Okay, I officially give up. I completed the code for all the sensors and everything works except for the player. On the I2C bus I have

[*]DS3231 RTC chip
[*]BMP085 Pressure and Temperature sensor
[*]TSL2561 Luminosity sensor  with a 3.3V level shifter
MediaTek MT3329 GPS receiver on the serial port

Any other suggestions? This is supposed to be fancy alarm clock I am building with my son. He wants it to play Time from Pink Floyd as a wake-up theme.


userHeadPic thomaspf
2011-12-12 19:17:15 Okay, I officially give up. I completed the code for all the sensors and everything works except for the player. On the I2C bus I have

[*]DS3231 RTC chip
[*]BMP085 Pressure and Temperature sensor
[*]TSL2561 Luminosity sensor  with a 3.3V level shifter
MediaTek MT3329 GPS receiver on the serial port

Any other suggestions? This is supposed to be fancy alarm clock I am building with my son. He wants it to play Time from Pink Floyd as a wake-up theme.


userHeadPic thomaspf
2011-12-10 09:25:45 Hi Hector,

I wanted to make sure the Arduino board is working properly and hooked up a DS3231 clock chip last night. No problems there so this is down to the DFRduino player board and the Micro SD card.

At this point it does not work and I am at the end of my ideas on what the problem could be other than a defective. I would be happy to send it back with the SD card in it for someone to check it out.



userHeadPic thomaspf
2011-12-10 09:25:45 Hi Hector,

I wanted to make sure the Arduino board is working properly and hooked up a DS3231 clock chip last night. No problems there so this is down to the DFRduino player board and the Micro SD card.

At this point it does not work and I am at the end of my ideas on what the problem could be other than a defective. I would be happy to send it back with the SD card in it for someone to check it out.



userHeadPic thomaspf
2011-12-10 09:25:45 Hi Hector,

I wanted to make sure the Arduino board is working properly and hooked up a DS3231 clock chip last night. No problems there so this is down to the DFRduino player board and the Micro SD card.

At this point it does not work and I am at the end of my ideas on what the problem could be other than a defective. I would be happy to send it back with the SD card in it for someone to check it out.



userHeadPic thomaspf
2011-12-10 02:14:56 Thomas,

Have you had any success?

Let me know.
userHeadPic Hector
2011-12-10 02:14:56 Thomas,

Have you had any success?

Let me know.
userHeadPic Hector
2011-12-10 02:14:56 Thomas,

Have you had any success?

Let me know.
userHeadPic Hector
2011-12-08 22:21:04 Yes, I check and re-checked. This is exactly how I have it connected.

I also tried with getting power simply from the Arduino instead of the seperate module.

I will try another I2C module next to make sure that is working fine.

Any other suggestions?


userHeadPic thomaspf
2011-12-08 22:21:04 Yes, I check and re-checked. This is exactly how I have it connected.

I also tried with getting power simply from the Arduino instead of the seperate module.

I will try another I2C module next to make sure that is working fine.

Any other suggestions?


userHeadPic thomaspf
2011-12-08 22:21:04 Yes, I check and re-checked. This is exactly how I have it connected.

I also tried with getting power simply from the Arduino instead of the seperate module.

I will try another I2C module next to make sure that is working fine.

Any other suggestions?


userHeadPic thomaspf
2011-12-08 01:44:44 Are you sure the connection to the Player is correct?
Have you seen the connection diagram in the wiki: [url=][/url]

The connection diagram displayed is for I2C, so you need to make sure the Jumper is in the right place.

userHeadPic Hector
2011-12-08 01:44:44 Are you sure the connection to the Player is correct?
Have you seen the connection diagram in the wiki: [url=][/url]

The connection diagram displayed is for I2C, so you need to make sure the Jumper is in the right place.

userHeadPic Hector