Forum >"Adjustable" Infrared Sensor Switch, how to adjust?

"Adjustable" Infrared Sensor Switch, how to adjust?

userHead Vincent14 2012-06-09 11:31:36 6770 Views3 Replies

I've bought two [url=]IR sensors[/url].

Actually, I could see the small screw behind the sensor, but there is no mention on [url=]the Wiki[/url]. I don't know if the default value is the right and what is the default range (meter/volt).

Could you explain me, please ?
2012-06-16 04:30:17 Ho, I thought it was an analog sensor, I did not pay attention to "Switch", I can now finish my robot.

Thanks  :)
userHeadPic Vincent14
2012-06-15 21:18:27 Hi Vincent,

The screw will set the sensitivity for the sensor anywhere from 3cm to 80cm. So you can just provide power to the sensor and adjust the screw to the desired distance by holding it at the distance you desire the sensor to activate at.

I hope you understand my meaning. The Arduino program will just detect if there is an open or close when the sensor is activated.
userHeadPic Hector
2012-06-15 05:25:00 How do I have to set my sensors? userHeadPic Vincent14