Bluno General Arduino

Bricked DFRobot Bluno v1.6?

userHead Account cancelled 2018-04-15 12:12:44 3550 Views1 Replies
Board: DFRobot Bluno 1.6 (SKU DFR0267)
IDE: Arduino IDE v1.8.5
OS: Windows 10 Pro (v1709, build 16299.371)

I'm a complete newbie to Arduino. And one of the first thing I did, which I completely regretted now, was to try to update the firmware of my Arduino DFRobot Bluno v1.6 board, using instructions in ... KU:DFR0267.

Here's what happened. I pressed and held the boot button and connected the board to my PC via USB as per the instruction, and as expected Bluno now appeared as a USB drive in Windows 10. However, I didn't realize that I have the Arduino IDE's Serial Monitor still running. Thinking that this would somehow affect the process, I hastily closed it. In retrospect, maybe I shouldn't have done so because immediately after that, Bluno's USB drive disappeared in Explorer. It would reappeared for a few secs (but with curiously just one file DEFAULT.CFG), and then disappeared again, and this cycle would repeat continously until I disconnected the board from the PC.

From that point on, I could no longer connect the board and make it appear in device manager. Restarting my PC didn't help. Changing the USB cable also didn't help. Bluno's COM port just refused to appear :(. Browsing around the DFRobot forum (viewtopic.php?f=8&t=1869#p8624), I discovered that the bootloader in the serial chip (CC2540) is most likely gone.

Apparently, it's possible to fix, but I would apparently need another device called the CC Debugger. It's not that easy for me to get my hands on one, apart from buying it.

If I couldn't get a hold of a CC Debugger, will my board be considered gone for good? Any other way to revive it? I have the accessory shield as well, and with the board gone, that will not be of too much use too I guess.

Appreciate your advice.

2018-04-19 15:46:36 Have you tried to upgrade the firmware first to check the problem? userHeadPic robert.chen