Forum >DF-Bluetooth V3

DF-Bluetooth V3

userHead mikedeklerk 2011-04-02 09:46:07 31648 Views39 Replies

I have bought the following bluetooth module:

And I have a few questions concerning its operation. Is it designed for receiving any input from other bluetooth devices?

My scenario:
- 12 volt power source adapter
- Uploaoded code with Serial.println("Hello"); and Serial.available()
- The bluetooth module on pins 0-Rx/1-Tx (Arduino Uno)
- Com port of the bluetooth module installed on my PC.
- Opened connection to the com port (Serial Monitor from Arduino IDE)
- receiving Hello from Arduino = communication from Bluetooth module -> PC works
- PC sending characters via Serial monitor the bluetooth = it does not receive any data. Or atleast does not send anything back when I use Serial.println(;

The strange thing is. When i connect the Rx of the bluetooth module to the Tx of the bluetooth module (its talking to itself), and I send data using the Serial Monitor to the bluetooth device I get an echo. So when I type "bla", the bluetooth module receives "bla" and sends "bla" back and the serial monitor prints "bla"!!

So it is capable of sending, appearently. But not when the signal comes from the Arduino uno!?

Please help me! As I really want to make my project wireless!

Thanks in advance,

2011-04-05 07:34:20 @admin :Yes exactly !
Top sum up the problem : reading data from arduino is ok but sending data to arduino is the problem: it only works with softserial (i.e pins 2,3).
If I plug the RX on the Tx of the Dfrbluetooth everything work fine in echo but the Rx pin of arduino cannot read from the module...  (I tried with arduino uno and duemilnove)


userHeadPic Ke20
2011-04-05 07:34:20 @admin :Yes exactly !
Top sum up the problem : reading data from arduino is ok but sending data to arduino is the problem: it only works with softserial (i.e pins 2,3).
If I plug the RX on the Tx of the Dfrbluetooth everything work fine in echo but the Rx pin of arduino cannot read from the module...  (I tried with arduino uno and duemilnove)


userHeadPic Ke20
2011-04-05 07:34:20 @admin :Yes exactly !
Top sum up the problem : reading data from arduino is ok but sending data to arduino is the problem: it only works with softserial (i.e pins 2,3).
If I plug the RX on the Tx of the Dfrbluetooth everything work fine in echo but the Rx pin of arduino cannot read from the module...  (I tried with arduino uno and duemilnove)


userHeadPic Ke20
2011-04-05 07:34:20 @admin :Yes exactly !
Top sum up the problem : reading data from arduino is ok but sending data to arduino is the problem: it only works with softserial (i.e pins 2,3).
If I plug the RX on the Tx of the Dfrbluetooth everything work fine in echo but the Rx pin of arduino cannot read from the module...  (I tried with arduino uno and duemilnove)


userHeadPic Ke20
2011-04-05 06:07:26 We will definitely investigate this issue.

But we are still not clear what happened, what is the configuration of the project, I suppose that you guys want to send data from Arduino to a PC and receive data back from PC, right?

userHeadPic R2D2C3PO
2011-04-05 06:07:26 We will definitely investigate this issue.

But we are still not clear what happened, what is the configuration of the project, I suppose that you guys want to send data from Arduino to a PC and receive data back from PC, right?

userHeadPic R2D2C3PO
2011-04-05 06:07:26 We will definitely investigate this issue.

But we are still not clear what happened, what is the configuration of the project, I suppose that you guys want to send data from Arduino to a PC and receive data back from PC, right?

userHeadPic R2D2C3PO
2011-04-05 06:07:26 We will definitely investigate this issue.

But we are still not clear what happened, what is the configuration of the project, I suppose that you guys want to send data from Arduino to a PC and receive data back from PC, right?

userHeadPic R2D2C3PO
2011-04-04 13:08:52 This module is really bad for writing on it.

With the virtual serial it work almost but generate many errors on the arduino IDE like this : Bad file descriptor in nativeDrain
at Method)

and so it is unusable in other applications as it draws java exceptions
When googling this you can see many other custormer having the same problem..... but it seems that nobody managed to solve it

I am very angry for losing so much time on it, I should buy a better BT shiled at first...

If someone find a solution please send it to me



userHeadPic Ke20
2011-04-04 13:08:52 This module is really bad for writing on it.

With the virtual serial it work almost but generate many errors on the arduino IDE like this : Bad file descriptor in nativeDrain
at Method)

and so it is unusable in other applications as it draws java exceptions
When googling this you can see many other custormer having the same problem..... but it seems that nobody managed to solve it

I am very angry for losing so much time on it, I should buy a better BT shiled at first...

If someone find a solution please send it to me



userHeadPic Ke20
2011-04-04 13:08:52 This module is really bad for writing on it.

With the virtual serial it work almost but generate many errors on the arduino IDE like this : Bad file descriptor in nativeDrain
at Method)

and so it is unusable in other applications as it draws java exceptions
When googling this you can see many other custormer having the same problem..... but it seems that nobody managed to solve it

I am very angry for losing so much time on it, I should buy a better BT shiled at first...

If someone find a solution please send it to me



userHeadPic Ke20
2011-04-04 13:08:52 This module is really bad for writing on it.

With the virtual serial it work almost but generate many errors on the arduino IDE like this : Bad file descriptor in nativeDrain
at Method)

and so it is unusable in other applications as it draws java exceptions
When googling this you can see many other custormer having the same problem..... but it seems that nobody managed to solve it

I am very angry for losing so much time on it, I should buy a better BT shiled at first...

If someone find a solution please send it to me



userHeadPic Ke20
2011-04-03 14:43:57 I confirm the softserial is working perfectly!

@admins please include this info in the wiki to save customers time


userHeadPic Ke20
2011-04-03 14:43:57 I confirm the softserial is working perfectly!

@admins please include this info in the wiki to save customers time


userHeadPic Ke20
2011-04-03 14:43:57 I confirm the softserial is working perfectly!

@admins please include this info in the wiki to save customers time


userHeadPic Ke20
2011-04-03 14:43:57 I confirm the softserial is working perfectly!

@admins please include this info in the wiki to save customers time


userHeadPic Ke20
2011-04-03 14:21:55 Hi guys

I got exactly the same problem as mikedeklerk :
everything is setup correctly (pingback from BT module and from arduino serial) but i cannot send data from computer to rx pin of arduino
I tried with arduino uno and duemilnove
I hope admins can come back with a solution for this!
On the wiki the example was to read from the arduino .... If tghis module cannot write to the arduino it should be stated clearly
i will try the softserial to see if it solve something...
userHeadPic Ke20
2011-04-03 14:21:55 Hi guys

I got exactly the same problem as mikedeklerk :
everything is setup correctly (pingback from BT module and from arduino serial) but i cannot send data from computer to rx pin of arduino
I tried with arduino uno and duemilnove
I hope admins can come back with a solution for this!
On the wiki the example was to read from the arduino .... If tghis module cannot write to the arduino it should be stated clearly
i will try the softserial to see if it solve something...
userHeadPic Ke20
2011-04-03 14:21:55 Hi guys

I got exactly the same problem as mikedeklerk :
everything is setup correctly (pingback from BT module and from arduino serial) but i cannot send data from computer to rx pin of arduino
I tried with arduino uno and duemilnove
I hope admins can come back with a solution for this!
On the wiki the example was to read from the arduino .... If tghis module cannot write to the arduino it should be stated clearly
i will try the softserial to see if it solve something...
userHeadPic Ke20
2011-04-03 14:21:55 Hi guys

I got exactly the same problem as mikedeklerk :
everything is setup correctly (pingback from BT module and from arduino serial) but i cannot send data from computer to rx pin of arduino
I tried with arduino uno and duemilnove
I hope admins can come back with a solution for this!
On the wiki the example was to read from the arduino .... If tghis module cannot write to the arduino it should be stated clearly
i will try the softserial to see if it solve something...
userHeadPic Ke20