
DFRobot Flame Sensor

userHead Account cancelled 2018-04-22 14:58:51 1789 Views1 Replies
I am using DFRobot Flame Sensor. Here is the code that is posted in the product's wiki site (from DFRobot).
Code: Select all
void setup() {

void loop() {
  int sensorValue = analogRead(A0);
But how can I know if there is fire or not? What should be the sensor value if the fire is on? off?

Can anybody please help? Thanks! :D
2018-04-28 14:34:14 The analog value is effected by flame intensity, flame position (angle & distance), which detects if the fire is big or close to the sensor rather than if there is flame, but if the analog value is over 0, then there should be fire in its scope. userHeadPic robert.chen