
MP2636 Power Module help

userHead Account cancelled 2018-05-08 03:54:41 2142 Views1 Replies
I purchased the MP2636 power module to power a Raspberry Pi Zero W with a battery, but I can't get it to work.

I can power the Pi through the module with an external supply, but the module won't charge a battery, or power the Pi with a charged battery.
The charge LED comes on when a battery, and external power are attached, but it doesn't seem to do any more than that.

Any help would be appreciated.
2018-05-11 17:34:45 The power recommend for Rpi is 5V2.5A, and the boost module have the maximum current of 2.5A, I think you need to have the maximum input to get enough power for Rpi. userHeadPic robert.chen