
Gravity GSM A6 Module SKU:TEL0113

userHead Account cancelled 2018-05-10 05:19:12 2634 Views1 Replies

This is beginning to be one of the worse experinces Ive ever had with a company.

I was really excited about this module, it is compact, runs on 5v and looks really nice. However, just trying to order it was the first red flag!  Even now if you go to the product page you will see that it says out of stock. After exchanging several messages on facebook they said they have it in stock, it just is not showing on the site. Reluctantly I ordered the part and was pleasantly surprised that it arrived extremely quick.

I went to the wiki page suggested on the product, no big deal but the code has a couple errors. Resolved those and got the module to respond to AT commands and thats about it. I cant receive or send text.. I've asked and asked and explained and explained and cant get any real help. I was told to use a 7.4v battery I did and still nothing... then I was asked if its wired correctly after Ive already said I can get AT commands to respond. Now Im stuck trying to figure out if theres something Im missing or is this just a bad module.

If there is anyone here that has used this module would you be willing to share your code. DFROBOT please dont respond with just a links, if you do please be sure to upload the code and be certain it works with your module.

I cant begin to explain how disappointed I am with the level of support. Im not sure if its langauge barrier or what but some work needs to be done to improve. Please also see my comments on the product page under TECHGUY74.

If I cant get this to work I would hope that I can be refunded my money or sent a module that works ( if it is that the module is bad and its not something Im missing specific to the A6 module
Im using an arduino nano

Here is the code which generates the AT commands: Yes I purposely removed the SIM card reading.. and yes I changed the BAUD rate to 4800 as 9600 gave no response.

#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
SoftwareSerial mySerial(11, 10); // TX-Pin11, RX-Pin10
void updateSerial()
while (Serial.available()) {
mySerial.write(;//Forward what Serial received to Software Serial Port
while(mySerial.available()) {
Serial.write(;//Forward what Software Serial received to Serial Port

void setup()

void loop()

mySerial.println("AT"); //Once the handshake test is successful, it will back to OK

mySerial.println("AT+CSQ"); //Signal quality test, value range is 0-31, 31 is the best

//mySerial.println("AT+CCID"); //Read SIM information to confirm whether the SIM is plugged

mySerial.println("AT+CREG?"); //Check whether it has registered in the network

mySerial.println("AT+SNFS=0"); //Adjust to earphone mode(AT+SNFS=1 is microphone mode) 

mySerial.println("AT+CRSL=2"); //Adjust volume, volume range is 0-15, maximum:15


Serial.write(; //Forward what Software Serial received to Serial Port
mySerial.write(; //Forward what Serial received to Software Serial Port


Here is the response, I dont know what CREG 1,10 means


+CSQ: 17,99


+CREG: 1,10




2019-01-05 04:29:48 Hello,
Don't manage to make it working ... since may, did you manage to do something ?
For me, I have only "⸮" as answers, what ever initialization code or send SMS ...
I'm using Leonardo or Nano (same results).
Thank you
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