
Bibliotheque LCD12864SPI

userHead Account cancelled 2018-05-16 15:34:27 5749 Views1 Replies
I want to make a GPS speedometer with your 12468 display and the LCD12864RSPI library. I'm blocking on an original command (openLCDA) that is not recognized and that is:

LCDA.DrawBitmap (Number0, pos, 0);

Can you be kind enough to tell me what the command would be correct with the LCD12864SPI library.
Thank you.
ps: I do not know if I'm in the right place and I apologize in advance ....
2018-06-01 14:19:34 Here are some explanation about the functions, using the SPI library
LCDA.Initialise(); // initialise the screen
LCDA.CLEAR();// clear the screen
LCDA.DisplayString(m,n,str,length));//m is row, n is column, str is the letters to show, length is the length of the string
LCDA.DrawFullScreen(logo0)//shown in full screen
userHeadPic robert.chen