Forum >LCD2004 and Arduino Due not compatible?

LCD2004 and Arduino Due not compatible?

userHead arduino_roxx 2013-06-28 01:46:21 3441 Views2 Replies

I had an 'old' version von the LCD2004 which was working fine with my Arduino Due. Now I ordered the new LCD2004 displays, which are Gadgeteer compatible (I2C LCD Module V1.1), but they don't work any more for my Arduino Due (I changed the address to 0x20 which is the default for the new board).

So I tried the same program at an Arduino Mega at the same pins and its working.

Do you have any idea what I can try? Or is this display not Due compatible any more (in the description it claims to be compatible) ?

Thanks for your replies
2013-07-05 19:26:16 Thank you for your suggestions.It's helpful. userHeadPic L_JESSIE
2013-07-04 01:23:09 Thanks to the support of DFRobot - the problem was that I connected the VCC of the LCD to 5V and not to 3.3V of the Arduino Due.
But I still cannot recommend this display for the Due since the contrast is limited due to the lower voltage.
userHeadPic arduino_roxx