Forum >Cheapduino sku: DFR0236 int0 and int1

Cheapduino sku: DFR0236 int0 and int1

userHead 2013-09-13 02:02:11 2093 Views1 Replies
Hi there.

I currently use the dfrduino pro mini with a library called RCswitch. A very nice library to catch codes via a rf receiver from rf devices and remote controlers. I have alarm systems that transmit different data depending on what the alarm is doing and that lib with a transmitter allow me to take this transmitted code and open a relay on a digital pin when correct code is received. This library however need to use a digital pin with external interrupt 0 or 1

My question: Does the cheapduino have it's int0 and int1 also on digital pin 2 and 3?


2013-09-13 21:55:17 Hello Kin,

Cheapduino does not have interrupts.
Do you think it is possible to change or adapt the library?

userHeadPic Jose