3D PrintingGeneral

About laser attachment to 3D printer

userHead Account cancelled 2018-06-01 23:22:54 9526 Views5 Replies
I am thinking to add a laser attachment to my 3D printer.
Did anyone have experience with them?! How difficult is to connect and mount them? Is any special software required?
I saw a lot of cheap units on Ebay (Chinese mostly) but I am not sure about their quality.
Checked Endurance lasers web site and it seems like that guys offer pretty good variations.
Did anyone try them?
Thank you?

--Kate alla Tsuba
2020-12-21 17:18:35 Thanks for the information

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2018-06-15 13:58:22 How do you want to use the laser? If you just want to measure distance, the normal laser sensor could be used for a long time. userHeadPic robert.chen