Forum >DFRObot Romeo V2 : how to control the output voltage for motor drivers?

DFRObot Romeo V2 : how to control the output voltage for motor drivers?

userHead Vincent14 2013-11-28 01:58:25 3065 Views3 Replies

I've searched all over the forum, and I've not been able to find any answer to a basic question: what is the output voltage for motor drivers depending of the input voltage?

I mean, I am building a robot with 6V motors and I don't know which voltage my different batteries will have (surely into the allowed range). But my code won't change, so, if I switch of battery to another with different power, what will happen on the output?


edit: I've seen the example of code, I'm afraid to understand that the speed of a motor is defined as:
[code]analogWrite (E1,{value});[/code]
Where the {value} would be the input voltage, in percent between 0 and 255? Is there a way to know what is the input voltage?
2013-12-02 18:27:50 Hi Vincent,
Oh sorry, I read it wrong.
Romeo V2 has two motor driver "M1" and "M2".
If the battery has higher input volt, the output voltage will be higher.
userHeadPic Grey.CC
2013-12-02 06:22:09 I don't use any shield, only the Romeo v2. userHeadPic Vincent14
2013-11-28 19:44:07 Hello Vincent,
Romeo V2 use PWM mode to control the output voltage, it divide the voltage into 256 parts.
{value} means output voltage. Output value will be in percent between 0 to 255. "0" means min; "255" means max.
And with different input voltage, the output range will be different.
Which expansion shield do you use?

userHeadPic Grey.CC